Chapter XVIII- Explaining My Powers To Patton

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A few months have passed, everybody was getting used to their jobs. But there was something... off. I guess I just feel.... different. I feel left out, I think.

I had an amazing idea. I could give the others powers. Then I wouldn't feel so separate to other people. So I sat down on my bed, with a notebook and pen, and planned out every move I would make, which friend I would do when, timing and what I would do if i got caught.

There was a knock at my door.

'Come in,' I said.

'Hey, Virge, I just realised that we'd never discussed what happened a few months ago,' Patton said, closing the door behind him.

'Oh, right, that,' I sighed closing the notebook and signalling to Patton that he could come and sit on my bed.
He sat down next to me, and I signed.
'Okay..... so, I am a wizard. I have different shall we call them... forms. I am a demon, vampire and werewolf, but I usually hide these things about me. I also have a range of different powers, as I am one of the most powerful type of wizard. Each kind of wizard can be distinguished from the next by eye colour.' I told him in a single breath, to get it all out and over with as soon as I could.

He looked kinda......lost for words.

'W- what can you do?' he asked after a few minutes of silence, which I allowed him to take in and process this new information.

'I can teleport, as you already know, I can become invisible. I can perform all jinxes, curses, hexes, charms and spells. I can also move things without touching them, which is called psychokinesis. Every wizard is an animagus, which means that we can morph into an animal, the animal in our souls, kinda like a spirit animal.'

'Earlier you mentioned eye colours... is your eye colour naturally dark green?' Patt asked.

I closed my eyes, and magically took out my contacts, sighing, 'I wear contacts, my natural eye colour is blue.'I said, opening my eyes.

'EEEEEEEEK!!!' Patton squealed, 'They're so beautiful, why do you hide them?'

'Because.....because most of my kind were hunted for their powers. They few of us who are left hide our eyes, so that we don't get found. It's also because of my..... my..... never mind.'

'How do you get your powers taken from you?' Patton questioned, raising one eyebrow.

'Our powers are transferred to whoever..... whoever....' my words faded.

'Whoever what?' 

'Whoever kills us, by stabbing us five times in a circle, around the heart.' 

'Oh, Virge.... I'm so sorry, this is clearly an uncomfortable topic for you. We can talk about something else.'

'But... I've still got stuff to explain.' I said.

'Does anyone else know? I could ask someone else, if it would make you feel a bit more comfortable?' He offered.

'My dad knows...' I told him.

'I mean, have you opened up to anyone else about this?' 

'Roman knows,' I said, staring at the ground, struggling to hold back tears.

'Do you want me to stay here for a while? You look sad, I could get some junk food and we can watch a movie? Patt said, putting an arm around me in an awkward, yet comforting side-hug.

'Please. That would be nice. Could you go and invite Princey, and would it be weird if I invited my dad?' I asked.

'Invite anyone you'd like, as long as they aren't going to make you even more sad, and were aiming to make you feel better.' ROMAN!!' He tried to call Princey in. He waited, watching the door.

When nothing happened, he asked, 'Why didn't he hear me? He always appears almost immediately.'

'I soundproofed my room, because I do things in here that I don't always want people to hear.' Let's just hope he doesn't think that I'm talking about my cutting... I thought, gulping inaudibly.

'What do you mean?' He looked concerned.

'Uh, I listen to music a lot, and sometimes, I subconsciously sing along. I don't realise I'm doing it, because I have noise- cancelling headphones.' They flew into my hand.

'Wow. You used your psycho- thingy, sorry, I can't remember what you said it was called.' Patton gazed at the headphones in my hand.

'Anyway, I'm going to go and invite Roman now.' The thoughtful figure left my room.

I grabbed my phone, dialled a number and it was picked up almost immediately.

'Hey, Dad, Can you come over? We're having a movie party and I really want you to be here.

'Yeah, of course, son. Anything you need. I'll be there in like, 10 minutes?'

'Great, actually, I have to tell you something........ you remember Roman, right, from what I've told you?'

'Yeah? The taller-than-you-but-not-too-tall, super handsome, warm, and loving guy you have a crush on? With the deep, magical, brown eyes, and gorgeous, slightly wavy light brown hair?' He asked.

'Yes, dad the absolutely wonderful Prince-like Roman, who couldn't get any more perfect if he tried. Well, he's my boyfriend.' I told him.

'Ooooh, so this is like a meet-the-boyfriend session?'

'Sort of, Patton and maybe Logan will be there too,' I told him

And you're sure you want me? Your super embarrassing, in-possession-of-baby-photos-dad at your movie party?' He asked.

'Of course I want you here! But do not, I repeat DO NOT bring any baby photos.' I warned him.

'I make no promises. 10 minutes?' He chuckled.

'Alright, see you soon.' I hung up.

Now to go and warn Ro. And invite Logan.

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