Chapter IV- Roman

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I have been back at the camp for a couple of days and people keep on asking me where I went and how, as the building is still locked. I keep telling them that I didn't go anywhere and that I was just hiding in my room. I think they're buying it.

It's around lunch today and I've been hanging out with Patton a lot recently. I've leaned things about him, like the random fact that he loves cats so much that he has a cat onesie. He also told me that he Had seen Logan wearing a unicorn onesie. 

Patton has made me feel special and included. Then there was a knock at my door. What if it was Roman? I thought. I clicked my fingers and all of the mess in my room flew into its place. I dashed into the bathroom to check my make-up. Then I answered the door.

I was glad I did all of that prep because it was Roman. I wondered what he needed from me.

'Uh, I was just coming to ask if you maybe would like to hang out with me for a little while?' Roman asked me.

My head was pounding, my heart was racing; I could actually feel it beating so for the first time ever, I was convinced I actually had a working heart. 

'Uh,um, sure.... what do you want to do?' I asked.

'Can I come in? I just wanted to talk to you.' he replied, politely. Damn, he really is perfect.

'Yeah, sure.' I opened the door further and stood aside so that he could come in.

He looked around my room, I was sure he hated it.

But then he said, 'I like what you've done with the place. You listen to My Chemical Romance? Oh, my, god! I simply adore your Nightmare before Christmas posters.'

'Thank you....? I guess.... so what did you want to talk about?' I replied.

'I wanted to get to know you, Anxiety. You ran away so quickly the other day and we haven't really gotten time to speak since.' Roman explained.

'Really? You want to get to know me?' I asked.

'Of course, like... what's your favourite colour?' Princey asked.

'' I answered. 'Yours?'

'How do you expect me to choose?'he said, over dramatically.

I giggled at his response. He's funny too, can he get any better? I thought.

We talked like that for hours and before I knew it, we were downstairs in the cinema room, sat next to each other, watching Frozen, which was Roman's choice. I didn't really mind the movie, but I spent most of the first half staring at Roman. Luckily for me, he didn't catch me. 

When it got to nearly halfway through the movie, I felt Roman's head fall against my shoulder. I didn't know whether he was still awake or not, so I just stayed still. I didn't want to wake him up, if he was asleep, that was. Roman was laying on me by the time the movie ended, and I was sure he was asleep.

Patton has told me that sleep was something of great importance to Roman, so I knew I didn't want to wake him up. I had considered teleporting him to his room, but thought better of it, I didn't know how light of a sleeper he was. So I laid there, trying my best to remain calm, which was becoming more of a challenge each hour. I couldn't believe it- my crush was asleep on me.

As I had never been able to get to sleep, I waited for him to wake.

At around 2 am, Patton came downstairs, for a glass of water, I think, and you had to pass the cinema room to get to the kitchen. We had left the door open a little, so when Patton walked past the slightly open door, he probably grew suspicious, as not long after I'd heard his footsteps stop abruptly outside the door, he'd pushed it open and walked in. 

He let out an incredibly audible gasp, for which I had to shush him and gesture to Princey.

'Awwww, you guys look so cute,' he whispered at me.

'Is he a light sleeper?' I asked.

'I don't think so, why?' He questioned.

'Could you help me get him to bed?' I replied.

Patton nodded briefly, as he came a little closer, picking up the sleeping prince  'bridal-style' and carrying him up to his room. I headed to the kitchen after I'd turned off the tv, a few moments later, the man arrived again in his cat onesie, this time getting his glass of water.

'Thanks, Patton,' I said.

'No problem, kiddo,' said his calm voice, 'we'd better get some sleep.' He gave me a hug before once again exiting the kitchen and leaving me alone. I headed back to the movie room to watch a movie, as I knew I wouldn't get any sleep.

Once the movie had finished, it was around 6 am.

Not wanting anyone to see me already awake this early, I teleported back to my room, put on my headphones, and laid back on my bed. What a day....

A Prinxiety Story...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant