Chapter XX- The Movie Party

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We all sat down on the large U-couch, Patton in the middle, Logan and Dad were on the left, and Roman and I were on the right. Dad and Logan were respecting each other's space, dad nearest the corner, and Logan nearest Patton. 

Patton was sitting closer to Logan than to me and Roman, probably to make us feel more comfortable acting like a couple, like we would when we are alone. So we did. I was laid on Roman, and he was playing with my hair. He'd occasionally stop and simply hug me, as I was hugging him the entire time. Each time a song came on (we had decided to watch Frozen, well Roman insisted we watch it) he would scare me half to death by screaming the chorus at the top of his lungs, without singing the start. We would have absolutely no warning. Although, he did practically beg me to duet "Love Is An Open Door" with him. Patton nearly cried, Logan showed no interest whatsoever, and dad filmed the whole thing, apparently so that he could show it to everybody on our wedding day. It was quite embarrassing, as Roman took the Prince part, so I had to sing Anna's part. The most embarrassing part was when I started singing the chorus, as I had to hold some notes, and Roman went very red in the face. I guess he thought it was cute? That's always a plus. 

By the time the movie had ended, I was sound asleep, on Roman. We were hugging each other in our sleep. I only know this because Dad sent me a photo of it, along with Patton asleep on Logan.

I decided not to show anyone the photo of me and my Prince, but I showed Ro the picture of Patt and Lo.

Dad had stayed the night on the couch with the rest of us, as he told me that he would have felt rude if he'd left while we were sleeping, without a 'bye'.

So in the morning, me and Ro woke up first, which was a surprise, so we had showers, got dressed, I put on my makeup, the normal morning routine, and we teleported to the best coffee shop in town, the one where me and Ro would go after work. We brought back some of basically everything they had, and payed it out nicely on the kitchen table. I also pulled up another chair for Dad. Then we went to wake up the others using the best way we knew how, by pranking  them. 

For Logan, we put a table over his head, with a large stack of books on top. For Patton, we simply blindfolded him. And for Dad, we were going to throw a bucket of cold water over him.

We were super glad they we were two people, as we needed one of us to throw the water, and the other to sound an air horn at the exact same time.

So we stepped back and watched everything fall into place. 



1........................ HONNNNKKKKKKKK!!

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