Chapter XXII- Emotions And Secrets

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I began to cry, so I headed to my bathroom to remove the makeup now streaming down my face.

My dad asked, 'Are you okay?' 

'Yeah,' I replied shakily, as I had just been crying.

'Do you want me to get you anything?' He asked, 'Some food?' 

'Can you grab a couple of brownies if there's any left, and......' I thought for a moment before I finished, 'Roman.'

'Of course, son. I'll get Roman to bring you the food, then I'll leave you guys alone,' he smiled at me before leaving.

A few minutes later, I was sat on my bed, trying hard not to cry, but then a knock came at my door, so I called, 'come in' and it was Roman.

He ran over, pushing the door shut, and pulled me into a tight hug. We hugged for a while, and when we finally separated, we kissed.

I felt safe with Roman. Don't get me wrong, Dad's great, but I get a feeling when I'm with Roman that I don't get when I'm with him. When I felt better, and we had eaten the brownies Ro had brought, we decided to head downstairs, and I forgot all about not having makeup on, until everybody looked at me strangely, and then Patton squealed, jumping up and down, 'you never told us you had freckles!'

'Shoot. Roman, why didn't you tell me I'd not got my makeup on?' I asked, sounding incredibly irritated, which I was.

'I  barely ever get to see your face without all of that makeup, and I like your I didn't want you to cover it up again....'  He admitted.

'Have at least got my contacts in?' I asked him.

'Yes, you do.' He told me.

'You wear contacts?' Logan asked.

'Yeah, I do.' I replied.

'Why?' Logan questioned.

'I just do.' I told him plainly.

'Am I missing something here? Did the others not tell me something?' Logan was clearly beginning to get frustrated.

''You didn't tell him?' I asked everybody else.

'We didn't think he'd care, as you know he doesn't really express emotions or care for pretty much anything except work and science, or when somebody wrongs him.' Roman spoke up.

'We're sorry, Lo, Virge..... we just didn't want you to show no interest in his past and upset him.....' Patton apologised to Logan, and partly me, but mainly Logan.

'In all fairness, I had left in the middle of that conversation to see if you were okay Virge.' Dad said.

'I require the knowledge from which I am being restricted.' Logan said, earning a confused glance from the other people in the room.

'In simpler words....I want to know what is wrong with Virgil, and what you're not telling me.' Logan explained. 'And for the record, I do care about the emotions and feelings of other beings, but tend not to show my own, as I do not know how to.'

'Imma just go back to my room,' I said, teleporting away. 

I presume the others told him, because he came to my room, to comfort me? That was strange, but I understood he felt uncomfortable, so I told him he could go, and that I was fine.

 "Ugh.... what a long day that one was..... I'm just glad that it's almost over, and that it's time for my favourite part, my late-night- karaoke-and-movie-session in my sound-proofed room.All I had to do was wait for the others to be asleep, so that I was confident that nobody would intrude, and for dad to go home.Then finally, the time came, my sleepless nights which were filled with lonely partying."

 I wrote in my diary/journal/notebook, which nobody knew about, but I'd had for years. I had jinxed it so that I'd never run out of pages. This book literally held my life in it. I've been writing in this book, since I could write, which was age 3, because my mother was very harsh on how quickly I was learning things.

I closed the book, hid it in the best hiding location ever- a magical box, which I can summon and make disappear, so it was a great way to hide things. I've got other things in that box, too. Knives, razor blades, rope, photos of my only, and best, child hood friends, Remy (who also happened to be my twin brother) and Janus.We gave each other nicknames like traits, sort of like an "Inside Out" thing. Remy was Sleep, Janus was Deceit, or Dee for short, and I was Anxiety/Paranoia. We all had group pin badges, too, we called ourselves The Dark Sides. There were so many memories in that box, like the matching, but slightly different suits we all had, which I enchanted to for us forever, and the lanyard I got from the My Chemical Romance concert we all went to, a bunch of letters we sent each other..... and other cheesy stuff like that. The best part of having them as my best friends, was that they were like me, different. We were all Moon wizards, and we all had similar forms. The only difference was that, like my animagus form is a wolf, same as Remy, and Dee's is a snake. I would give anything to see them again. 

A Prinxiety Story...Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant