Chapter XXIII- Finding Dee, Or Rather, He Found Me.

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It was an average Monday, at work, I was restocking canvases in the front of the store, when someone tapped me on the shoulder, and said,

'Excuse me sir, but do you know where I'd be able to find your stationary section?' I knew that voice. 

I turned around to see who was asking, and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was him.









'Oh my god, Dee, is that you?' I asked the guy. He was wearing a black bowler hat.

'Wait..... Virgil?' He asked.

'Oh my god, it is you! I thought I wouldn't see you again! God, that sounded cheesy.' I said.

'This is too good to be true, tell me something only Anxiety would know. What as our group called when we were young, and who was the other boy?' He said, raising an eyebrow.

'We were called The Dark Sides, and the other guy was my older brother, Remy Night.' I told him fairly quietly in case anyone overheard. While we were a part of the educational hierarchy (from kindergarten to college), we were the most feared but also the highest, most popular, group in school. People only got in through invitations only, and we never gave out invitations, as let's be real, could the club have gotten any better?

'It's actually you, I can't believe it. So, how's life?' He asked.

'Life is good, I finally got myself a boyfriend, I got my dream job, I've got nice housemates, me and my dad are back in touch, everything's great, and I haven't done anything like THAT in a while, so I must be happy.' I told him.

'I'm happy for you, and your boyfriend, and I'm even happier that you haven't done any of THAT.' He hugged me.

'So how's your life?' I asked.

'I also have a boyfriend, I am still searching for a job, One of my roommates moved out before I got there, so it's just me and my boyfriend and this other guy. And now I've been sent out in to the cruel, cold world to get a new 4-colour, red, green, blue and black pen for my roommate who isn't my boyfriend.' He told me.

'Have you heard from Remy, since college?' I asked him.

'Yeah, I have, I was actually talking to him earlier on the phone. He was asking if I'd heard about how you were doing, you know.' He told me.

Hey, do you have your suit still?' I questioned Dee.

'Of course, so does Remy. Do you?'

'Why wouldn't I have it? I've still got our badges, as well. And all of our photos and letters.

'Hey, do you have a phone number?' Dee asked.

'Yeah, now that I bought myself a phone, no thanks to Mom.' I told him.

'Can I have it? And pass it on to Remy?' I gave him my number.

'Hey, I'll take you to the stationary section now, then it'll be about time to finish my shift.' I offered, leading the way.

'One ballpoint, 4-colour, classic pen.' I headed to the checkout with my long-lost bestie.

He paid and then he asked me something.

'Hey, do you know if this place is hiring?' 

'Yeah, they are, why? Are you considering working here? With me?' 

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