Chapter XVI- The First Day, Again.

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It was 5am on a Monday, as you can probably already tell, I'm not too happy. I hate Monday mornings; or just Mondays in general. They take forever to barely even start and almost never end. Unless you're having fun with your friends and/or partner. I was yet to find a Monday which included any sort of effort to be even remotely enjoyable. But I had to go to work, to my first day at the craft store. Let's just hope that this day goes okay, and I don't find out that I hate my job. I crawled out of bed and dragged my feet over to the bathroom to have a shower. It took me like, an hour and 20 mins to have my showers, blow-dry and straighten my hair, put on my makeup, put in my contacts, pick my outfit, get dressed and brush my teeth, as I knew I wouldn't have time for breakfast. I left my bedroom, ensuring that my door was shut behind me, i passed the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl on the counter, quickly scribbling a note to Patt telling him that I did take food, so not to worry. With that, I left. About halfway to work I checked the time, shoot. I'm meant to be there right now. I ducked into the alley to my right and teleported to the alley by the left of the store. I emerged running, apologising profusely. The girl that was showing me to the boss' room was really nice, she looked a little like Patton, if he was a girl. Her name was Emily. The day went great though. Everybody was so nice to me, and asked my if I'd made my own clothes, to which I answered, I ripped my jeans but I didn't make the shirts. They made me feel welcome. It was nice.


I got home and headed straight to the kitchen, as I'd barely eaten all day. When I got there, I saw Patton, making a fruit salad.

'Hey, Patt,' I greeted him.

'Oh, hi Virgil. How was your day?' He smiled.

'It was nice, everybody was so kind, and I met my new-work-friend, she's super happy all the time, and she looks a lot like you, but if you were a girl.' I told him, sitting down at our kitchen island.

'Oh? What's her name?' He asked.

'She's called Emily,' I said.

'Oh my gosh! Really? Did you get her number?' He was very exited by now.

'Yeah, why? You're acting strange....' I questioned.

'Call her! And put her on speaker.' instructed "General Patton".

'Hello?' Came the voice of a woman.

'Hey, Emily, It's Virgil, I wondered if you'd want to meet up with me and one of my roommates, at the coffee shop opposite the craft store?' I asked.

'Sure! I'll be there in 15 minutes,' she said before hanging up.

'How do we get there in 15 minutes? There's no way we can get there in time.' He was now freaking out.

I knew I had to tell him I could teleport. So I did. 'Uh, I've got something to tell you, just take my hand.'

'What? Why?' He questioned.

'Just do it.' I told him.

'Why?' Patton pressed on.

'Do you trust me?' 

'Yes.......?' Patton was confused.

'Take my hand. I'll explain everything later.'

He took my hand and I teleported us to the alley by the craft store and crossed the road to the coffee shop.

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