Chapter X- Secret Relationship

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Roman was getting up to leave, when I said,

'R-Ro? Will you stay in here tonight?'

'Of course, Virge, I'd love to stay,' my prince sat town on the bed again.

'Can we watch a movie?' I asked him.

'Sure, whatever you want,' he looked me in the eye, 'which movie?'

'You can pick, if you'd like,' I told him, still staring into his beautiful brown eyes.

'Frozen?' Roman asked. 

'Sure, I'll put it on,' I said, but didn't move from my spot. Roman looked at me inquisitively, but he understood when the dvd flew out of its case and into the tv, ant the remote glided into my hand. I clicked play and snuggled into Roman's open arms. I rested my head on his chest and was holding him tightly, as if I was never going to let him go. He was running his fingers through my hair, as we watched the movie.

'Hey, Virge?' He said.

I lifted my head from his chest, to look him in the eyes. 'Yes?'

'Can I kiss you?' Princey's cheeks were glowing red.

I did not answer, but instead, I kissed him. His lips were so soft, and he kissed me back immediately. I slowly opened my eyes, to make sure it was real, and it was. I closed my eyes again, the kiss never once breaking. After a few minutes, we were forced to pull away, due to lack of oxygen. 'Stupid oxygen,' I muttered underneath my breath, resting my head back on his chest, my arms wrapped around him, pulling him as close as he could be to me.

We watched the movie, cuddled and kissed, before I eventually fell into the land of dreams, for what seemed like the first time ever, still resting on my beloved.

It was somewhere around 5 am when Roman tried to get up. 

'Don't go,' I whined to him.

'Baby, I have to go, if I don't go to my own room, Patton and Logan will think something's up.' He tried to reason with me.

'So?' I asked.

'I'm just not ready for them to know, yet,' Princey told me.

'Just a few more minutes?' I attempted to bargain with him, kissing him lovingly on his lips. We stayed like that for a few minutes, before Roman pulled away.

'I have to go, Patton comes into my room to wake me up in 10 minutes, so I need to go and look convincing, like I was asleep.' He kissed  me on the forehead, before getting up.

'I love you,' I told him, in a final attempt to persuade him to stay, but he merely turned his head back to me and said, 'I love you too, baby,' before slipping out of my room, leaving me in the dark. There was something soft on my bed, it was Roman's T-shirt.He had taken it off when he got too hot. He'd left it behind. I cuddled up to it, burying my face in it. It was comforting, as it smelled like him. Around 15 minutes later, Patton knocked on my door, to wake me up. I hurriedly made sure nothing that would give the impression that Roman was here was showing, before he entered.

'Good morning, Anxiety. Are you okay?' He asked.

'I'm fine, Patt, I'll be down for breakfast in a bit.' I told him.

'See you down there, kiddo.' He called, before closing my bedroom door. 

I dragged myself out of bed, and hauled myself over to the bathroom, to have a shower. Around an hour later, I had blow-dried my hair, straightened it, adjusted my contacts, put on my makeup, and was now deciding on my T-shirt for the day, as it's the only part of my outfit that differs (apart from underwear). I glanced over at my bed, and saw Roman's T-shirt that he'd left here earlier. I pulled it on. It made me feel so secure. Remembering that he didn't want anybody to know about us, I covered up Roman's T-shirt with one of my plain black hoodies. I clicked my fingers to tidy my room, and left for breakfast.

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