Chapter Twenty-Four

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Noelle leaned on the bathroom sink, taking deep breaths as her tears finally ceased. Shaking her head, pigtails brushing against her face, she straightened herself. Turning on the sink, she wet her hands and then proceeded to pat her face, making sure to really get under her eyes. Reaching over blindly, she managed to snag a paper towel. Smooshing her face into it, she took a deep breath.

With a look in the mirror, she deemed herself to look presentable. As long as no one looked too closely, then she'd be okay. Tossing the towel into the garbage bin, she made her way out of the bathroom and towards the stairs, deciding it would be best to go down to the kitchen for a drink.

Passing by the living room, she saw Asta curled up in a blanket, eyes glued to the screen as little images flashed by. Huffing, she continued into the kitchen, moseying around to find something suitable for her. Eventually she decided on some orange juice, hoping the glasses boy wouldn't be overly upset. Taking a seat at the counter, she zoned out, lost in her mind.

A sudden bang drew her attention, head jerking up towards the front door. The others in the living room also jumped at the sound, getting ready to scold whoever barged in so rudely, However, the threats died in their throats.

Yami waltzed in, making a beeline for the bathroom. No one dared question him as he passed by. Vanessa and Finral trotted in as well, instead heading towards the kitchen when the water mage resided.

"Hey! How come you're not with the other ladies?" The pink-haired woman asked, plopping down next to Noelle. "I thought it was a girl's day today?"

"It was..." Noelle trailed off, holding her glass tightly between her hands.

"What happened?" Finral asked, having grabbed two glasses from the cabinet. He filled them both with water before placing one before the witch. She nodded in thanks and then focused once more on Noelle.

"N-Nothing!" She spluttered.

Vanessa frowned. "It's clearly nothing. You know you can tell us, honey. We're all family anyways." Finral nodded in agreement, offering a kind smile to the younger mage.

"Mimosa and I just got into an argument. T-That's all! Nothing too bad."

Both of the older mages narrowed their eyes at her, knowing that there was far more to this story than she was telling. However, when Noelle said nothing else, instead focused entirely on her juice, they backed off, knowing better than to push her at the moment. Later, they'd dig more into it.

"Well, I'm sure things will figure themselves out. And if not, then we can always help." Finral said softly, winking at Noelle. "That's what us seniors are for after all!"

"OH!" Vanessa exclaimed, wanting to distract the young mage. "Guess what happened at training just now!"

"What?" Noelle asked, quirking her eyebrow at the pink-haired woman.

"They kicked us out!"


"Finral and I were having a grand old time using our combo move- the one with Asta- testing it on that one guy's clones. But I think we might have gotten a bit carried away 'cause the teachers suddenly told us we could go back to the dorms for now and see you guys if we wanted and that training was cancelled for the rest of the day. Captain Yami cackled at them, saying how they were afraid of a little bit of power, and you should have seen the blood drain from their faces!"

"This is not something to be proud of, Vanessa!" Finral scolded, although there was a glint in his eyes.

Noelle sat there staring at the two of them, before she began to giggle. She shook her head at her seniors, not knowing what she would ever do with them (the little voice in her head told her she'd do nothing, as they were wonderful exactly the way they were).


Back in Nezu's office, Ectoplasm was begging for the bear-mouse-thing to rethink his decision on letting the new mages train their students. Nemuri, Aizawa, Hizashi, and Sekijiro stood quietly, not wanting to be dragged into anything.

"I'm telling you, sir, they are too dangerous to work with our classes! They might kill them!" Ectoplasm pleaded, fear in his voice.

"I highly doubt that they would. They are working for their kingdom, so I believe they know better than that. Otherwise, how would they still be serving as Magic Knights?" The principal replied, his paws placed delicately before him.

"B-But sir-"

"I'm sorry, but I have already made my decision." The creature plopped down from his chair, coming around the desk to face the teachers. "Considering their skill levels and the increasing villain risk of our nation, I think this is a wonderful opportunity to take advantage of. Our students can practice against highly powerful individuals and become more prepared for the real world without being at risk for murder. Of course, we will have to keep this quiet as we don't need any government officials getting wind of our other worldly guests, but I do believe this will be a great experience for everyone."

The teachers remained silent, not wanting to say anything that might tip Nezu off on how terrified they were inside. Instead they nodded their heads, hoping to be dismissed soon.

"Oh! How lovely this will be! Now if only we could get some more of them, now that would be fun!"

"Nezu no-" Hizashi cried out as Ectoplasm wailed in agony. The other three paled considerably, praying to any gods that might listen to not do so. Although, when four of them thought about it, it would all be dumped onto Aizawa if anymore were to arrive.

Not for the last time were the other teachers thankful not to be the erasure hero and teacher of Class 1-A.

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