Chapter 15: Seshin VS. Sicuto

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Author's notes: I originally wanted to post this chapter a couple days ago, but at the same time, I wanted to finish this picture I had in mind. Like I said in the last chapter, I was in the mood to draw. On the banners are parts of the usernames belonging to one of my biggest supporters, WaterDragon02. Thank you so much for your support, as well as everyone else enjoying the story! It really inspires me to keep writing this. Now, onto the chapter!


Well, here I am. This is what he's wanted. Ever since I caught him back in Naetwo, I've always known Sicuto couldn't wait to legally beat me to a pulp. Unlike some of my peers, I didn't plan to win the Sports Festival, and I still don't. However, with the position I'm in now, I at least need to win this battle. I can't really say I've trained for this moment, but still, I feel like I'm ready.

"AND IN THE OTHER CORNER, A STUDENT WITH EYES SO SOULLESS, THAT STARING INTO THEM GIVES ME THE CREEPS: YUUREEIII SESHIIIIIN!!!" Present Mic's booming voice pulls me out of my pre-battle thoughts. I open my eyes and look up at Sicuto straight across from me. The announcement is followed by cheers from the excited fans, but the ones that really catch my ears are Auxi's wild celebrating in the cheer leader squad and Hagakure's screams of good luck.

I look up at my class's area in the bleachers and pick out Tojuta in the group. He waves, and I look back at my rival. He has an advantage. He knows my quirk, but I know nothing about his.

Midnight raises her baton. "Battle... BEGIN!!"

I ignite my flames to make ready for him to make the first move. Sicuto comes charging in and readies a punch. I wait for the perfect moment and twist to the side. He smoothly swings, missing, but then fires another. I continue dodging as he unleashes a chain of attacks.

I try to keep up with all of Sicuto's punches and kicks. I continue to back off to the edge of the ring, hoping to stay out of those swings. This isn't blind attacking. It looks like he's using an actual, organized fighting style that hardly leaves any openings. Possibly kickboxing. I look over my shoulder and see the edge getting closer. This is my chance.

I wait for just the perfect moment as he brings an arm back. I raise a hand as he throws another punch. My flames come around me and all grab at Sicuto's arm as soon as it flies down to my side and misses. I close fist to get the flames' grip on it and swing my arm down and around me, using the force Sicuto's already applying to himself and let him stumble past me. To my frustration, Sicuto catches himself and turns back around.

"Nice try," he scoffs. He quickly reaches out to grab me, but I surround myself with my flames and back off to the middle. Without wasting a second, he runs after me. "Get back here!"

Dude, I'm getting sick of that saying after Bakugo constantly yelled it back in the cavalry battle.

I cancel my levitation and join a couple sets of flames. My loyal minions float by my side, ready to attack. Just like last time, Sicuto brings out another series of strikes. Instead of just dodging, I have my minions perform some attacks as well. I hit him from all sides, trying to avoid getting hurt from him.

I pull back my arm for a hit of my own. Sicuto just barely sees it and ducks to dodge. He's gonna counterattack now! I extinguish my minions and phase myself. Just in the nick of time, Sicuto jumps from his crouch to uppercut me straight up in the chin. He of course goes right through me. After he lands from his pathetic shoryuken, I bring all my flames to my hands.

"Inner Demon!!" My beast solidifies and roars to the skies. I give the command as it brings its arm back and swings it straight into Sicuto's face.

I hear Sicuto grunt in pain as flies a bit backward from the blow. He lays on the ground from the hit and stares at the sky. I extinguish my flame as I watch him. This is surprisingly easier than I ever thought. It hardly feels like Sicuto's putting up much of a fight. In fact, I'm sure he could've dodged that blow perfectly fine. On a side note, I don't think he's even used his quirk. C'mon, he couldn't be quirkless. . . Could he?

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