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Sunday went by in almost a whiff,all I did was eat,tend to the garden,and yeah,Mom and I had a heart-felt preparation for school tomorrow

"I'm worried,Azure"she began,I was sitted beside her with a throw pillow on my laps...I continued to eat my pop corn,not taking my eyes off the TV

"I know you hear me talk,woman...give me some audience"she complained and I switched my gaze to meet hers
Her face was pale,she looked sad and uncertain..

"Mom,what's wrong?"I could feel my face contort,I felt terrible for ignoring her in the first place

"I'm not sure anymore...I don't know how you would possibly cope with meeting new people at school.I won't be there with you,I don't want anymore to do with your past experiences....I don't want no bullies or no hoes tryna get into your head and make you feel inferior" She finished as exhaled sharply,patting her laps

"I'll be fine,Mom...I'll try to stay out of trouble and I won't get bullied."I assured and gave a small smile..

"A'ight,I believe you."She nodded and relaxed fully in her seat."How about lunch?"

"Oh! I completely forgot about lunch...I 've had too much pop corn now" I said and pursed my lips.

Mom and I later went into my room to pick out clothes for the whole school week...we were halfway through when her boss called.Mom left the room to pick the call.
To be honest,I don't like Mom's boss...he's always been trying to hit on her,for as long as I can remember...

"The bald male bitch"I snorted as mom returned

"Are we done?"she asked ,watching as I set some up on hangers...I finished and turned to her

"What did he want this time?"I frowned

"My business...not yours"Mom replied and I eyed her distastefully

"He just want in your panties,Mom...and you know"I said,emotionlessly

"I'll be the judge of that" She replied coolly...and I groaned...

"That bald man is never going to be my step dad!"I spat angrily and Mom screamed out in laughter...she collapsed on my bed,still laughing convulsively

"I...I...I knew it was coming to that!"she laughed out her words dramatically

I puffed and lunged a pillow at her,suddenly amused.

"Good night,Azure" Mom cooed,stroking my hair "I love you very much" I hmmed and drifted off to sleep..

I ran a reasonable mile away from Mom,almost hyperventilating with laughter...I ran towards the open beach,really close to the water and watched as the impending wave got closer...I heard Mom scream but it was a short one cause I got submerged in water...I thrashed around,trying to get to the surface when a bright light in a distance caught my eyes,it was hard to see so I couldn't quite make out if it was getting closer or not...
Then,it got so close and I realized the light was coming from a orb in the middle of a pitchfork...I looked closer and stared right into the face of the most handsome man I have ever seen,he was older...old enough to birth me.

He moved closer and cupped my face in his arms,stroking my right cheeks...I surprisingly felt at peace with him.

"Do not fear,my young one...for I'll always be with you" he said and I opened my eyes at the sudden loud uproar...I held on to him and looked up into his face,he smiled

"It is time to fulfill your destiny,Azure...stand up for your people"

"What people?"I questioned

He gestured around us and my gaze followed his hand...I almost fainted in shock..."these people"I heard him say

Standing...I mean,floating all around us were thousands of mer-beings

"Its time to come home"He said again and I shook my head

I had so many questions...He disappeared before I could ask them...i saw a powerful typhoon coming and I screamed...


"Its okay,baby...I'm here.Mommy is here"I heard Mom say as she pulled me completely into her embrace,I was shivering in utter fear...I couldn't even tell her how my dream went.

"Its okay"she whispered close in my ear and I moved to get deeper into her embrace,her warmth as I whispered

"Don't let them take me,Mom" By now,I was crying softly..."I don't want to go with him...they'll take me away from you"I cried.

" know I won't let them,baby...I gotchu"Mom said and kissed my silly as it seems,I believed her.

Heyyy darling readers,I hope you're enjoying the story,please remember to click on the star button and comment too....

Yeah...this is the first encounter Azure's had with her kind and she's freaking out😂...yeah,mommy's there to calm her down...
In the next chapter...just keep reading😉

Azure;The Dawn Of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now