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I laid still in bed,trying hard not think about facing Ryan at school...That nigga really is bipolar but I remain the princess still and I would prove him wrong...He called me a weakling,OK OK ..
We'll just see about that!

I got out of bed and took my bathe then I got dressed for school...I took out the hair band Ryan gave me and threw it in the trash can,suddenly disgusted with him and anything that belonged to him.

I braided my hair into one,it looked messy but it was worth it cos I look dashing.I confidently went downstairs for breakfast and as usual Mom was already dressed for work so we hurriedly had our breakfast then she dropped me off at school.

I walked into History class and spotted Ryan behind a blonde,who was busy smearing bright red lipstick on her thin lips.

Ryan smirked at me and I rolled my eyes subtly.Then the mean teacher that put me in detention with Ryan sauntered in,her eyes scanning the class.

"Ms Simmons and Mr Baldwin...I'm glad the both of you are sitted separately today"She gave a bright smile and I grinned half-heartedly


I flipped quickly to the page she was reading from...I was totally bored with her teaching so I zoned off,thinking about what my future would be like.

Days ago,I would've thought that I would be an elaborate event planner like my Mom but with everything that I've come to realize about my personality,I wondered if I would succeed Nelisa as the Queen of Oceania...I would have to live underwater.

The bell rang,pulling me from my reverie...I packed up my books and headed to my locker to get the book for the next class;French.

I suddenly felt someone's hand cover my mouth,I was pulled...forced in to a tiny enclosure;the janitor's closet...I struggled out of the grip and turned to see Ryan...He was so close that I could smell his cologne..

"You douche bag! scared me!"I wheezed.

He folded his arms comfortably on his chest,he stared at me coolly chewing quietly on his lower lips...his biceps burged and I found myself staring.

God,he's freaking gorgeous!

"When you're done ogling...let me know"His voice jostled me and I rolled my eyes.

"What do you want?"I asked dramatically

"Did Balt tell you anything that involves me and you?"He asked and I shot him a look that isn't too good.

"Your face says it all...he didn't tell you,Great but when he does..please don't take it to heart...I want nothing to do with you"

I stared wide eyed at him...he made to walk away and I pulled him back..

"Listen,Mr strongest of the shoal,I didnt ask to be pulled into this fairytale so stop treating me like am here to disrupt your life!...My existence shouldn't affect you this much but if it does then you have to deal with it!"

He turned his profile towards me and snickered "You're dumb"He said simply and left...

I rushed out after him and pulled on his arm again...

"You gruesome bully,I hope to the moon goddess that someday I will be able to kick your damn ass!" I yelled at the back of his head...

He didnt reply me,he didn't even pay me attention...I could feel the anger rising in me as I watched him go...I hated his guts,his fucking ego...I hated how breathless he makes me feel every time I'm around him...

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