16 2 0

Monday morning!...oh,I hate Mondays..I got out of bed and walked reluctantly into the bathroom,I brushed my teeth and took my bath...I got dressed and did all other necessary things...I slung my back pack neatly over my back and proceeded downstairs.

I clomped into the kitchen,Mom was there...she was fully dressed and she was fusing with  breakfast.

"Good morning,Mommy"I greeted and she turned,smiling ever so sweetly at me

"There's the beauty I promised look amazing,my love"

I smiled and took my seat as she placed a bowl of oats in front of me then she poured a glass of milk over it...She sat to hers and minutes later,we were done.

I slipped quietly into the car and Mom started the car,the drive to San Fransisco University highschool was silent...

Mom pulled up at a easy spot at the lot,she helped me get registered and I got my schedule for classes then mom kissed my cheeks,gave a squeezing hug and left me to my fate...I watched her leave and I had to hold back the tears.

I walked to my first class of the day,I stopped in front of the English class with mixed emotions.The teacher stopped teaching and shot me a welcoming smile.

"You must be the new student...Azure,am I right?"His smile widened and I smiled back,nodding

"Welcome to the class..."Then he turned to the class..."Come on class,welcome our new student"

There was a chorus of mumur then the teacher turned to me resignedly

"I am Mr Graham"I nodded timidly..."You wanna introduce yourself to the class?"He asked and I shook my head

"No"...everyone of them looked shocked so I continued...

"My seat?..."

"Oh of course...sit right behind Sandy."

I moved towards his gesture and saw the girl from the restaurant...I ignored her stare and slipped quietly into my seat...The teaching continued with many of the class mate stealing random glances at me,all of which I ignored.

Then the bell rang,signifying end of class...I searched for my schedule to see what class I had next when I heard a deep voice say "looking for this?"

I looked up and yeah,my schedule was in his hands

"Yes,thank you"I said,reaching for it but he pulled away and smirked evily.

"Not so fast, pretty"

"I need to get to class,please"I said coolly,feeling Sandy's gaze on me

The boy moved backwards,still smirking...I got a better view of him.
His strawberry blonde hair was parted at the side...hung over his right eye..he had on a round rim glasses that made him look like a geek...

I rose and one if his friends obstructed me...

"Leave her alone,Reddington"I heard Sandy say...i glanced at her for a second,wondering why she was taking my side...

"No one asked your opinion,Sssaanndyy"how he slurred on her name flipped my stomach...I was supremely disgusted...

"She's trying to save your ass,bitch ass nigga...just give me my damn schedule cos if not,you're gon' process a bruise in a minute!"I threatened...
He chuckled evily and advanced towards me...he flung the schedule in  my face and pushed me lightly on the shoulder...

Sandy walked up to us and pushed him out of the way,she pulled me up,headed for the classroom exit...

"Girl,you're about to mingle with the sluttiest clique in school"I heard Reddington say and I stopped involuntarily...

"I'll tell Ryan you said that"Sandy replied coolly and I think Reddington turned a couple shades of gray...

"I was talking to the new girl...not you"He defended blithely

"No one asked your opinion,Mr Rabbit glasses"I shot back and the whole class erupted in laughter...

I threw him a fake salute as Sandy pulled me out of the class...still grinning..

"You're quite a girl,Azure"She said and I forced a smile
...She has no idea what I did back there was the farthest I've gone with a bully...I don't think I can handle bullying anymore...I huffed and exhaled gently.

"Who's Ryan and why is Reddington scared of him? he a bully too?"

"What?,Ryan is not a bully.He's'll find out"she stammered and gave me a smile.

We walked into the library and she walked over to a small group of student,they were talking about...I don't know.

She gestured me a chair as they exchanged pleasantries and she introduced me..Sitted at the reading table was Two guys and two ladies who were so identical,it was obvious they're twin sisters...then they were shocked at my name too...they stared at me like I was some devil reincarnate...

"Why are you all surprised"I asked,I rolled my eyes...I just wasn't having any of this anymore...I rose and headed for the library exit...I heard Sandy call out to me,I glanced back at her "I'll be back"

I turned and bumped really hard into someone,I fell in one big whop...I cried out as my elbow connected to the ground...

"Mom!"...I whined,as I felt someone pull me up...I looked up to identify whose ass Mom was gonna kick...

The words died in my throat as I stared into his ocean blue eyes...his jet black hair was up in a flimsy ponytail and I swooned...How do these black men manage to always sweep me off my damn feet!

"Are you done gawking?"He asked and I shook my head,tearing my gaze off his...He rubbed my elbow and I felt sparks travel up my body...

"Are you hurt?...I mean,I know you hurt your elbow but is it bad?"He asked and I shook my head...I heard people join us and I turned to see Sandy...

"Are you OK,Azure?...Ryan's built like a damn rock...are you hurt?..."

Ryan's gaze locked on mine and we said in unplanned unison

"You're Ryan...."

"You're Azure???"...His was more of a question and yes,he looked shocked at my name...I nodded in affirmation and whispered...

"Excuse me,please...I need some air"
With that,I turned and headed to the ladies heart beating extremely in my chest.

Heyyy darling readers,in the next chapter,I'll post  pictorial descriptions of Azure's new geng cos you're gonna hear a lot more from them...throughout the story...and thank you so much for the votes
I love y'all😘

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