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"Let her go,please"Ryan begged and I snarled at him...He reached out to touch me and I pushed him off,he flew backwards,rolling to a stop on his side...he was still...motionless.

My heart dropped in anger died down completely and I ran up to him,tears were streaming down my cheeks when I turned him towards me.He had a smug grin on his face and I sighed in relief.

"Gotcha!"He laughed and I chuckled amidst my tears,he sat up and thumbed my tears away...

"I thought I lost you to that anger, need to learn how to control your anger"I nodded and pulled him up...I turned to face the rest of the protectors...Corrina and Sandy was helping Colleen up.
I felt terrible for what I had done to her...I could've actually killed her.

"I think I should leave now"I said to Ryan and he prepped me up in his arms and sped me home.

He kissed me goodbye and I went into the bathroom...I sat in the bath,reminiscing on my actions earlier,I concluded that I have to take control of my powers...not allow them take control of me.

I dried myself,dressed up in my pajamas and headed back to the room...Balt was there,I was afraid for a fleeting moment that he would scold me.

" be honest,I don't have an excuse for my actions earlier...I was really angry at Colleen...I promise that I'll learn to control my anger..."I said and he smiled before pulling me close to ruffle my hair.

"Its alright,Azure...the protectors don't respect you and I understand that you have to call them to order,show them who's boss...but you really have to learn to keep your anger at bay"He said and I smiled,nodding.

"You're a bad ass princess"He teased and ruffled my hair...I giggled.

"Which makes you a bad ass prince,am I right?"I shot back and he grabbed my hands,biting me on the fingers,I laughed out loud...

"I see Ryan is doing a great job at protecting you...I haven't been on land for a week now and I was worried about you...I can't reach you when I'm underwater"He said and I mentally face palmed...

"I thought you were mad at me for fighting with Sandy so you decided to stay away"I replied and he chuckled,amused.

"You have a wild imagination,sis"He said and I smiled.

Then he said he had to go cos he has to go on a date with Sandy.

The doorbell rang just in time and I went to get it...Mom walked in and my eyes widened in joy at the bundle in her arms...A cute white puppy,it was ravishingly cute with dazzling eyes...I didn't exactly know if it was a Samoyed or an Eskimo...I suck at pointing out dog breeds..

I grabbed the dog from Mom in excitement,it licked my face giddily and I laughed in pure happiness...

"Thank you so much,Mom"

"Anything for you,baby"

"I'm gonna name her snow white"I said and mom smiled.

We had dinner and sat in the living room afterwards...We talked about Cayden and why he didn't come home with Mom....
His daughter was having a baby...I wrinkled my nose at the thought...His 16 year old daughter was having a baby and he was the one to talk to me about responsible adulting.

"The girl lives with his ex wife"Mom explained and I o-ed
Now,I get it...not his fault.

I bade Mom goodnight and skipped up to my room with snow white,I made her comfortable in my bed with an extra blanket in case she pees cos she's not properly trained yet.

Azure;The Dawn Of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now