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I yawned blearily and got out of bed to brush my teeth,I smoothen my pajamas and headed down the stairs to the kitchen.Mom was there with Cayden and they were kissing.

"Ugh!...Guys get a room!"I said,rolling my eyes

Mom chuckled and pushed away from him...I walked into her embrace then Cayden pulled us both in a hug.I laughed gently and moved away.

"Good morning"I smiled at the both of them...

"I hope your night was good?"Mom asked,moving to turn the eggs in the pan.

"Yeah,it was good...yours?"I replied and both of them exchanged glances...I kind of got the hang of it.

"Yuck!...don't tell me about it"I said hurriedly and Mom blushed,Cayden laughed.

"I'll go get ready now...Cayden please watch the eggs..."Mom said and left the kitchen to her room.

I sat on the dining chair and watched as Cayden flipped the eggs...He added other ingredients then he let it fry for seconds before dishing it out.He slid a plate across to me and I smiled my thanks and delved in.

"So...any plans for today?"Cayden asked and I nodded .

"I'm going out with a boy"I blurted and immediately felt acutely dumb.

"Oh!...."Cayden said simply before sitting opposite me at the table to eat.

"Does Kath know?"He asked and I nodded.

"And she's fine with you going out with boys at your age?"I snatched up my head and shot him a glare.

"Uh...not actually the way I wanted it to come out...I mean at your age,you should be careful about the kind of people you go out with...boys can be pretty mean"He quirked a brow at me and I nodded,finally getting the hang of his words.
Now,how's that for a protective step dad...

"What about you...any plans?"I asked and he nodded...

"Work"He said simply...

Mom walked into the kitchen,fully dressed up for work...She got her own plate and came to sit beside Cayden.
He rose and left to go get ready for work...

After minutes of eating in silence,I broke the silence.

"Mom,how much does Cayden know about us?"I asked and Mom looked up at me.

"Pretty much everything"Cayden said from the doorway and my breath caught in my throat...

"Everything??!"I choked out,staring at Mom with wide eyes.

"Its really obvious that you are adopted"Cayden said and relief flooded me.

"What exactly do you think I told him?"Mom asked,eyeing me incredulously.

"She also told me that you're very allergic to sea water"Cayden said and I rolled my eyes at the terrible lie.

Mom glanced at her wristwatch and rose from the table,pulling Cayden along.

"We gotta,take care of yourself and say hi to Ryan for me..I love you"Mom said and leaned over the table to kiss my forehead...I saw them off to the door and Cayden hugged me goodbye

I went back into the kitchen to wash the used dishes and clean up then I went up to my room to read...I was halfway through the novella when the doorbell rang so I went to get it.

Ryan was standing on the porch with a bouquet of red and white roses...I reached out and took it from him,smiling from ear to ear in apparent excitement.

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