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My heart was beating fast but I knew at the same time that Lisette had to die by my hands so I gotta do this...even though it scares the fucking hell outta me!

She charged at me and I saw the trident orb glow more,I parried her and she struck me in the back ferociously...I screamed and thudded to the ground,I turned over and she stood over me,bearing a large dagger.

My eyes widened at the impending danger,I swung sideways and the dagger hit the ground,I grew out my nails and dug it directly into her side...She screamed and hit me on the head with the dagger handle,over and over head banged painfully,i was quite sure that my face was a bloody goo,then she dragged me across the temple to the altar...

I couldn't even struggle,my vision was blurry from the impact of the dagger...She grabbed my arm and chained it to a post,I struggled hard but she didn't flinch,she chained my other hand and I was left dangling over a huge cauldron that led to the base of the volcano...

The heat was killing me slowly,I was in excruciating pain...I screamed out,hoping someone would hear me...I wanted Ryan,I wanted Balt...I wanted Katrina,this was too much for me...I shouldn't die this way..I've done nothing to deserve being cooked in lava...

I wanted mother,tears brimmed my eyes as I screamed out loud.


Lisette turned to look at me and she chuckled...
"Yes,call on your mother!"She laughed and shut the large door,binding it with the spell that no one on the outside would be able to open it.

I cried silently and tried all to keep my body cold but the heat was too much..if I was a normal human,I would have been a hot dog by now or be fish...I found myself sniggering at my dry joke.

Then a movement caught my eyes,it was Red! breath caught in my throat as I remembered past occurrence with him...He moved towards me,I wanted to scream obscenities at him but I was too weak...I was sweating by now...

He moved closer and pulled my body off the cauldron,towards him...then he unclasped my hands and laid me on the ground....I casted a thin film of ice all over my body and laid there for a moment...

For about a minute and then I was completely healed...I looked up at Red,amazed that he had helped me.

"Why did you help me?"I asked.

"Let's just say its normal for me to always go against my mother's plans...and little wonder she hates the way,I saw what you did with Chantelle.Its a pity she doesn't have a mate to help her back into this world..."

I gasped in utmost surprise...I didnt know Chantelle had no mate,but that doesn't require her to claim my mate...I felt bad however but it was important that I do what I did.

Red was about to say something when the door rumbled open and there was Lisette again!...I got up,this time...rage was boiling through my veins.

"Scoundrel!"She sneered at Red who bolted but she sent her emissaries after him.

"So...let's shall I kill you?"She angled her head in fake thought.

"Oh!...yeah,I shall do it as inhumanely as possible!"She sneered and I smirked.

"Let's tango"I said and she made for me,I shot out series of lightning at her...she parried them and thrust forward with the dagger.

I gripped both her wrists and pulled downwards,she toppled forward and I hit her in the throat,she gaggled and stumbled backwards,I gripped her swirling hair and yanked her down...She thrusted the dagger at my stomach and I jumped back but not before it cut a tiny layer of my skin..

Then an idea occurred to me,I swam hurriedly backwards towards the cauldron and I think she saw this as an opportunity because she swam towards me,the dagger directed at my heart....I instantly covered myself with a thick film of ice...

The dagger cracked through and I twisted her hands,pushing her backwards and backwards until her back was painfully pinned to the hot iron post,she didn't seem affected by it though.

Her eyes lighted up in raw fear when she realized that the dagger was pointed towards her now.
I looked into her eyes and whispered as I plunged the dagger deep into her.

"Das ist das ende{this is the end}"

She screamed out in horror and I pushed her headlong into the cauldron...The temple rocked loudly and the cauldron belched out smoke...I swam out of the temple and made for the entrance...

Pain seized my tummy and I looked down at the tiny wound that wasn't so tiny was getting bigger...I was bleeding profusely...My eyes was seeing double and I lost coordination of my body,I began to sink into the depth of the body was heavy.

My eyes went blurry and I knew it was all over...I wasn't too far from the volcano that was about to erupt cos I had sacrificed to the gods of the temple their own flesh...So all that was left to do is give the offender a taste of their anger,explaining why the volcano would erupt...

In 3,2,1...the ocean vibrated all round me and the cave began to collapse,I floated amongst the rubble and said my last prayer...

"Dear moon goddess,please make Ryan happy"

The darkness stretched over me and I gave in to it.

Hey readers,thanks for the votes and reads...keep 'em coming sorry for the late update...
And also,check out my other story "Dove;the swan maiden"

Follow me to see all of my stories on my account....thank you so much❤

This is not the last chapter,😁relax!

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