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I sat up in bed,feeling a little woozy...I guess last night's training was taking its toll or....a chill ran over my heart and my hand went up to my lips instinctly.

I shook my head,trying hard to get Ryan out of my thoughts.I rose shakily from the bed and went to have my bath...I dressed up,taking my time.

I was moving at a very slow pace this morning,I just couldn't get my limbs to act right...I brushed through my hair,staring emotionlessly at my reflection in the mirror.

I couldn't get my thoughts together...I turned towards the sound of the room door opening.Mom entered and pulled me into a hug...

Men!...Mom really knows when I need hugs like this.

"Hey Mom" I pulled away and she gave me a kiss on the cheeks.

"I slept in,baby...I didn't make breakfast"Then she looked me over.

"Wait,you're not ready yet? look a little tired,maybe you should stay home today"

I shook my head and hurriedly pulled my hair backwards in a low ponytail

"I have something important to do today...I've got music lessons and some history passage to copy...don't worry about breakfast,I'll pick up food at the drive-through down the road."I said and lunged at her in a firm hug...

"OK,be safe baby...I'll be home all through the day...I need to rest."Mom said,her hands raking through her scalp,she yawned.

"You can take the car"I Yipped and Mom laughed.

"I love you crazy,Mommy!!"

I rushed down the stairs,grabbed the car key and drove down to the drive through,I got doughnuts and iced tea.

I drove to school,waited in the car for minutes to eat then I left for class.I was late...very late.

"Good morning,Ms Anderson"I greeted and she stopped teaching,she turned to me...

"You certainly are not in my class,Ms whatever your name is!...what the heck kept you so long?"She was glaring murderously at me...

"I slept sorry"I said impatiently.

"Oh...I see!...what did you get drunk on?"She asked and the class burst out in laughter.I was a little confused by what she meant.

"I said I slept in...not hung over"I replied as coolly as I could.

"I choose to believe what I want,young lady! can come in alright but keep in mind that this is the last time I would allow you into my class even if you're a second late,hear me!"

"Loud and clear,Ms Anderson"I muttered and made for my seat...

"And keep my name out of your sluttish mouth"She said and I felt my blood boil as the class laughed.

"You certainly got a problem and I know what it is..."I replied and snickered at her shocked expression...
The whole class was silent.

"You need to get laid..."I professed and the class erupted in laughter.

The bell rang and the class dispersed,still laughing...Ms Anderson shot me a murderous glare and I gave her the finger before she flounced out of the class...
She was cruising for the roasting anyway.I left the class and headed to my locker.

I searched my locker for my history textbooks when someone suddenly slammed it shut...I looked up to see Red and my heart flipped in fear.

"Surprise...pretty"He sneered at me "you almost broke my freaking balls the last time we met"

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