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I dressed up in Ryan's joggers and a t shirt,I pulled my hair into a messy bun and gathered my things into a small bag.Gregory watched me prepare to leave as we sang barney's I love you....Ryan stepped out of the bathroom and dressed up in something identical to what I was wearing.

Yes,Ryan is my boyfriend now

After a delicious breakfast,Ryan dropped me off at home cos Mom was finally coming back to America today.The weekend with Ryan was amazing,I certainly loved him more now.

I walked into the quiet house and began to clean...I didn't want Mom to find the house dusty and get mad.Mom called to say that she would be home for dinner so i watched movies and ate popcorn...When I was done,I ordered food for dinner cos my cooking skills are average.

I heard the doorbell ring and I ran to get it...Mom engulfed me in a bear hug and squeezed me tight.

"Mom!"I screeched deliriously.She pulled away and kissed me all over my hair and face...I giggled excitedly.

"My beautiful child!...I missed you,my heartbeat!!"She held my face in her palms and kissed my forehead repeatedly

"I missed you too,Mom"I said and she smiled sweetly at me..."come on,I ordered dinner"

We went into the kitchen and sat at the table to eat,after the prayers,we delved heart was beating frantically as I considered telling Mom about Ryan.

I heaved and dropped my fork,drawing mom's attention.

"Baby,what's wrong?"She asked,looking worried...

Damn! This woman really adores me!

"Mom,I have to tell you something really important but promise me you won't get mad,please"I pleaded heart was racing in anticipation.

"Sure baby,you can tell me anything...I promise I won't get mad"She said and shrugged.

"OK..."I sucked in a deep breath and exhaled slowly,then i squeezed my eyes shut as I said in a rush.

"Mom,I have a boyfriend...please,don't be mad...I really do love him and he loves me too.You know I can't keep anything a secret from you...please don't get mad...I have so much to explain later"I said and I slowly opened my eyes...Mom was chewing on her lower lip,staring intently at me.

"Do you know what you're doing?"Mom asked and I nodded...maybe I just had to tell her about Oceania now.

"You're just too young for this,'re just sixteen..."She said and exhaled slowly.

"Mom,I have something else to tell you...I know it might sound weird or unreal but I gotta tell you."Mom quirked her brows and nodded.

"I met some kids in my new school...they've been my friends since I joined the school...and they're mers,...just like me...they took me to their queen,my...Mom."I said and Mom gasped,rising from the table.

"Mom,please was strange for me too...but I don't have a choice...the merman I dream about is my father.
King Aaron and he died while trying to protect me.I have a brother...He's always been there,ever since remember the unicorn and the galaxy rose we found when I losed my first tooth,he's my sole protector...I have five others though...
And Ryan is my soulmate...the one I am destined to be with for the rest of life..."I paused to access Mom's countenance.

"Mom,please believe me..."

"I do...because,I know what you are...I actually found you on my porch,Azure...I didn't choose to adopt you...someone dropped you off at my doorstep...not that I'm complaining cos you really changed my life..."

Azure;The Dawn Of HopeWhere stories live. Discover now