Brotherly love

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"Really, Nik? 'What are you doing here, Tanya?' Is that how you talk to your favorite sister after so long? After what you did to me?" He looks at me with a sigh and I notice Elijah has walked in behind my brother perfect.

"Tanya, you keep bringing that up, what exactly do you think we did?" Elijah asks, sitting next to me. I dig a hand through my hair and groan.

"Excuse me, love, I need this to-go." The bartender nods with a smile and does everything for me. I make my way out of the bar, my brothers following me.

We make our way to the streets, and I finally turn towards them. "You both know what you did to me. Back in the 40's. Ring a bell?" I ask. They both look at me confused. "Fine. I'll ring it for you." I then put a finger on both of their temples and show them what I'm thinking.

"I was in love for the first time in my life. Marshall Smith. My one true love at the time. You two were busy chasing one another in Europe while I was minding my own in Germany. I made a life for myself there, that is until you two decided to join together for once and ruin my life. I watched as you two strung up my love. You tore his body to pieces right in front of me." They look at me shocked, most likely forgetting what they did to me.

"We had a reason for it, I'm sure, Tanya!" Elijah tries to endure his nobleness. He never wants anyone to think bad about him.

"No, Elijah! You had no reason for it! You killed him because you two were selfish twits who were scared I would finally escape from this dastardly evil family. Then you followed me to the ends of the Earth for thirty-two years trying to dagger me! All because I was happy, and you weren't."

Silence hangs between my brothers and I, and I turn to leave. "We did the same to Rebekah. Remember that storyline of our family book? The evil Klaus and Elijah compel her love to forget her and then dagger her for trying to leave. Forget that did you?"

I turn fast on my heel, my finger almost hitting Niks nose. "You are a monster, Niklaus! You will never be anything but! I came here to help you all, but I'm tired of this. It's always about you two! Never about me. I'm never allowed to have a place in our family. I'm always kicked out of the picture. The unwanted sister!" Klaus and Elijah stare at me shocked as I feel tears fall from my eyes, them falling from Niks as well.

"Well that was an easy fine." I hear a voice from my side. I turn, Elijah and Nik doing the same, and see my father standing there, staring at us.

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