Broken little girl

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Today I'm supposed to have a family dinner. All of us are going to be there: kol, Rebekah, Elijah, Nik, mother, father, me. It's going to be fun.

I grab another bottle of whiskey off the shelf and drink straight from it. Why bother with a cup if I'm going to drink the whole cup?

My phone rings, so I groan and grab it from the couch.

Tanya, you were supposed to be here ten minutes ago. Mother and father are angry.
Oops. My mommy and daddy are mad at me. Oh no. What ever will I do. je m'en fiche littéralement. mon père ne m'aime pas et ma maman me déteste donc je vais juste boire et je m'en fiche parce que c'est comme ça que je fais les choses.
Tanya, why are you speaking French?
Entschuldigung, ich habe die falsche Sprache gesprochen. Ich bin hungrig. muss ich kommen
Now you're speaking German? Tanya, you need to get here now.

I groan at his urgency and toss the bottle onto the ground. The glass shatters and whiskey floods everywhere. I giggle and turn back to my phone.

I'll be there in ten.
Hurry, Tanya
Yes, sir!

I salute Elijah and then hang up with him. I groan and slide some shoes on. I then put a jacket on over my tank top and grab my keys and wallet.


"Tanya in the house!" I yell out as I walk towards my family. Nikkie looks at me with concern, Eli looks at me with disappointment, Kolina has laughter covering his mouth, Finniebear rolls his eyes, Beki looks shocked. I then look at the ends of the tables and see my mother and father. Next to father sits some girl, she looks kinda like us.

"Heyyyyyyy, it's my daddy! He doesn't like me. There's my mommy! She killed me!" I grab a glass from one of the waiters and gulp the wine in it.

Nikkie gets up and grabs my arm, leading me to a seat next to him. He helps me sit down and I roll my eyes.

"You couldn't make yourself decent for one day?" Daddy asks from the end of the table.

"I had to make my best friend, my true love, forget who I was because you monsters, and a whole line of sociopathic enemies chasing after us, forget me and and everything we ever had with one another." I yell out.

An awkward tension hangs in the air, and I see mother take a deep breath. I roll my eyes because she's about to give us some speech about how she loves and cares about us oh so much.

"It is good to have my family all under one roof, but we need to talk as just that. There is a division amongst us, and we need to dissolve it." She starts off. I wave my hand in the air, and the same waiter from before walks over to me with a glass. I shake my head and grab the bottle he holds in his other hand.

Everyone stares at me with an array of emotions, but I ignore them all and take my first sip.

This is going to be a long night.

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