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You're An Angel

I wanted too cry. The more my mind dwindled on the scenario that occurred just a few hours ago, the more I wanted too break out in hysterical sobs.
I knew I couldn't, though. I was sitting in the middle of the office, Spencer, and Emily in their own cubicles beside me.

Just a mere two hours ago, I was having a great start too the day. I had walked into the coffee shop, which I headed too every day, and ordered my ussual. While waiting for my order too come, I noticed a group of teenage girls. Three of them, sitting at a small table, giggling. It only took me a few seconds too realize they were laughing at me. One of their eyes wandered too me, and each time they broke out into another fit of giggles.  So apparently, there was something funny looking about me.

Everyone else in the shop was minding their own business, barely paying attention too me, as usual.
I tried too locate a mirror in the shop. Once I did, my eyes lingered on my figure. I was wearing professional attire, my hair done up neatly, my bag at my side. I looked normal.
Hearing the girls start too whisper, I fixated my hearing on them. I could make out a few neglectful phrases.

"My gods, she looks so bad in those clothes.."
"I can see the fat poking out!"

More giggles. 

I swallowed hard, then looked back at the mirror. A bit of skin was showing beneath my shirt. I pulled it down.

"Does she really think that shirt looks good on her?"
"It looks like a trash bag on her.."

When my coffee came, I snatched it up and left the shop as fast as I could. I didn't want too hear another word from those girls, probably because I wasn't used to them.  

Now, here I was, sitting on my desk, eyes filling with water for the third time in the past two hours.

I had only been fat-shamed once in my life, by my mother when I was ten. She had told me that a certain dress wouldn't look good on my body, but that was it.

Thoughts overwhelmed me now. What if everyone I met saw me as fat and worthless, but never admitted it because they were too 'nice'?

What if those girls were right? I looked bad. I looked fat. I looked as shitty as possible. 

 I took a deep breath, trying too brain myself together. But it didn't work. A droplet of moisture licked at my cheek. I quickly whipped the tear away, hoping another one wouldn't take its place. It didn't. As I turned too the files on my desk, I saw a figure in my peripheral vision.  

"Are you okay?" Spencer's voice, calm and soothing. I turned in my chair too see him staring at me, his expression worrisome.

I swallowed, not being able too meet his gaze. 

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," I mumbled, shifting in my seat. Spencer has scooted his chair closer too me. As he usually did when he was about too start talking or saying some huge speech on some scientist who died three centuries ago. He obviously knew something was up, or otherwise he wouldn't have seemed so interested in me. 

"Now I just don't believe you," Spencer said, leaning in. "You're trembling," He pointed out.

"Listen, I'm fine. Just cranky, I never get enough sleep," I forced a smile, never looking up at him.

"You're lying, somethings up. I'm not leaving until you tell me." Spencer reassured me. "Is something bothering you?"

Yes, the whole world is bothering me, I wanted too tell him, but instead I shook my head. For some reason, I felt tears stain my eyes again. Why, I didn't now. But I'd dint want Spencer too see me crying.

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