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Friday Nights

I groaned, rolling over in my bed. My head was pounding, probably from all the drinks I had last night. I put a hand up too my forehead, which really didn't help the headache. 

Finally, I was able too open up my eyes. I was in my room, thankfully, and the blinds were open, wide. The sun lit up my bedroom, making it much too be bright for my liking. 

Then, it hit me. I had work, I rolled over in the bed again too find another person, right next too me. His back was facing towards me, and his hair was dark brown. 

Had I really hooked up with another person on Friday night? Oh right, yesterday was Friday. Today I didn't have work, thankfully. But now I had too figure out how too push out a stranger out my door. 

The guy groaned and rolled over, facing the ceiling, and now I got a clear look at his face. My eyes widened when I recognized him. 

His soft eyes, his hair, even his arms. 

I had hooked up with Spencer fucking Reid.

How did I know that? I was naked.

Insistingly, I pulled up the sheets too cover my body. I stared at Spencer, at how peaceful he looked. I wasn't very sure was happened last night, but I remembered that I was at the bar. Then, that I had great sex last night. That was about it.

"Holy shit," I murmured, still staring at Spencer. Spencer definitely didn't seem the type to fuck his co-workers, but here I was, sharing the same bed as him. 

Spencer's eyes flew open, and soon enough, met mine. 

"You're staring," He said, still half asleep. I looked down, my cheeks heating up. 

"Did we, you know.."

Spencer sat up a bit, revealing his upper body. He was hot. His abs stood out, his pecks, and his biceps, everything. He rubbed his eyes, yawning.

"Yes," He said, looking over at me. 

"Oh my god," I said, squinting my eyes, hoping this was just a dream. Well, not really. 

"Did you not enjoy it?" 

It was a surprising question for him too ask, which made me look up. 

"Uh, yes?"

Spencer kept his eye trained at mine the whole time. "You look uncomfortable. Are you alright?"

"Well, I just fucked my partner in crime. How the hell am I supposed too act?" Well, that came out rather rude. "Sorry,"

"No need," Spencer waved it off. 

"Are you..are you alright with this?" I asked him. 

Spencer licked his lip. "Depends,"

"How so?"

"You are my friends my co-worker. It's unprofessional too do..this. But you are also a woman. A very attractive one, and one I know very well."

"You find me attractive?"

"Why wouldn't I, Y/n?"

"Dunno. I don't usually get compliments," I said, laying back down on the bed.

"i don't either," Spencer chuckled.

"Okay then," I said. "I think you are very attractive," 

Spencer stopped chuckling.

"Something wrong?" I asked.

"Why do you find me attractive? Is their something about me that appeals to you?"

Spencer Reid Imagines + One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now