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Don't Go

"Y/n, what's up with you lately? You look like you're having a bad day," Prentiss asked, looking up from a file she was investigating on her desk. I shifted in my seat.

"Um..nothing. I'm fine," I said, cracking my knuckles. "Just a lot of work," 

"Really?" Spencer sipped from his cup of coffee. "I've seen you with more files and still look as bright as ever,"

"There's, uh, computer work too," I said, smiling reassuringly, gesturing to my open computer. "I'm okay, really," 

Morgan raised his eyebrows, joining into the conversation. "We're all profilers here, Y/n. You don't look 'okay',"

I sighed, my smile falling. I slumped back into my chair. "You're right, I'm not okay,"

"So then what's up?" Spencer tilted his head. 

"You're being reassigned?" Another voice squaked. Everyone looked over too see Garcia in her crazy outift, an even crazier expression on her face. She seemed too have appeared out of nowhere.

"What?" Prentiss asked, turning over too me, looking for answers.

"W-what do you mean?" I stuttered, turning to Garcia. This wasn't how I planned too tell everyone. "Where did you get that?"

"I-I heard Strauss and Hotch talking, just outside my office!" She said, coming up too me. "Please tell me thats not true!" She was gripping the side of my cubicle. 

Everyone's attention circled back too me. My mouth was agape, my eyes wide. There was no backing out of this one. I wanted too say something, but I wasn't sure what.

"Y/n?" Spencer whimpered, setting down his coffee. His face showed concern. 

I swalloed, then looked down. I licked my lips, not sure if I should tell them. I did.

"Yes, it's true." I said, examining my sneakers. It was silent. "Too a higher position."

"W-where?" Morgan asked. 

"Um...Russia." I looked back, examining everyone faces. Scared. Concerned. Shocked. Disbelief. 

"Russia?!" Spencer finally exclaimed. "Thats..thats so far away!"

"No statistics this time, pretty boy?" I said, trying too crack a joke. No one laughed. This wasn't a time too joke around. I looked back down.

"You can't leave us!" Prentiss and Garcia said at the same time. 

"You..you've done so much for this team, they can't just reassign you too a whole different land!" Spencer said, his eyes gaped open. "They can't!"

I sniffed, then rubbed my nose. "They just did," I could feel the tears coming, but I held them off. It was silent again as everyone processed the information.

"When are you leaving?" Prentiss croaked out.

"Today," I said. 

"Can I speak too you for a sec?" Spencer asked, fiddling with his fingers. I noticed his eyes were starting too grow red.

I nodded, then followed him outside the office. It was cold out, so I shivered whenever the breaze came through. The sky was gray, the clouds squeezed tightly together, not letting through a single ray of light. 

Suddenly, I felt Spencer's arms wrap around me. I was shocked for a sec, but I hugged back, my face resting in the crook of his neck. 

"Don't go," He whispered. "Please don't go," 

Spencer's arms squeezed me, holding on so tight.

"I can't," I said, burrying my face deeper into his chest.

Spencer sniffled as his chin rested on top of my head. I realized he was crying. I pulled away too see silent tears slipping down his cheeks. I put my hands up and cupped his face, using my thumb too wipe away the oncoming tears. 

Spencer relaxed into my arms, closing his eyes. His hands gripped my wrists, holding on too them as if I was slowly slipping away. And maybe I was.

I leaned forward, pressing my forhead against his. I had started too cry too. I didn't want too leave  Quantico. It was my home, where I grew up in, where most of my happy memories were healt. I didn't want too leave the team. I didn't want too leave Prentiss, Morgan, Garcia, Hotch, Rossi, JJ, and espeicially Reid. God, how much he meant too me. But I didn't have a choice. I didn't get too decide where I worked, not now. Not ever. 

"We'll meet again," I said. "I know we will."

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