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I walked into the BAU and was greeted immediately by Garcia. She handed me a cup of coffee, which I gratefully accepted.

"How'd you sleep?" She asked, sipping on her coffee. I shrugged, then yawned.

"I didn't," I said, and Garcia chuckled. 

"Ok, well, I did some digging..." She started and turned too her. 

"You did?"

"Yes! I really couldn't get anything, until I noticed someone had paid for one red rose every day fro the past two weeks..in cash,"

I groaned. "So you can't track him if he paid in cash?"

"Nope, but at least we know its our guy!"

I nodded. "Thanks, Garcia," 

Someone, most likely in the BAU, had been leaving me a single red rose on my desk every morning when I got in. According to too Prentiss and Hotch, the rose had been there before they even arrived. No one saw anything, so Garcia had been tracking the roses too try and figure out who sent them. 

As I arrived to my desk, I noticed that the red rose was there again. Laid on a stack of cases. 

I sighed in frustration and sat down, staring at the rose. I wanted too know who this secret admirer was. It was like he was teasing me. Letting me know where he was buying his roses, but not his name, or even what he looked like. 

I put my bag by my feet and took the rose, then carefully put it into the bag. 

I started looking at the case files, quietly sipping on my coffee when Spencer came up.

"Hey," He said. "No roses today?"

"I got one," 

Spencer grimaced. "Seems like you have a stalker,"

"He gives me roses, Spencer! That's not a stalker, that's....sweet!" I said. Was it sweet? Or was it really stalkerish behavior like Spencer said?

"Ok well, whatever you say," He grumbled, then gave me a couple more case files. I groaned.

"Are you mad, Spencer? Even..jealous?" I wiggled my eyebrows, trying too get him too laugh. He smiled, then sat at his cubicle across from mine. 

"No," he said, then whispered something under his breath. 

"Wahts was that?" I asked.


I shrugged off Spencer's weird behavior, and kept of with the case files fora couple of hours.


At lunch break, Prentiss suggested that me, her, JJ, and Garcia go out for lunch together. It seemed like a good idea, so we all agreed.

In the Chinese restaurant, I ate quietly as the girls giggled and joked around. Finally, JJ spoke up again.

"Y/n, you've been quite. What's on your mind?"

"Spencer," I blurted out, without even thinking about it. Prentiss snorted, Garcia giggled, and JJ raised her eyebrows.

"So you were thinking about Spencer?"

"No, no, not like that." My cheeks felt hot. "I mean, he was acting weird this morning, like he was angry at the roses, or whoever was sending them.."

"Or he was jealous!" Garcia said.

"No way..." I looked down at my food.

"Yes way! Spencer likes you, and he doesn't even try too hide it! It seems like you're the only one who doesn't recognize it." Prentiss said, waving around her chopsticks. I glared at her. 





"No! He doesn't like me, end of story." I snapped, waving my chopsticks. 

"Alright, whatever you say, Y/n." Prentiss sighed, then went back too eating her food.


Back in the office, I slumped tiredly in my chair, hoping the day would be over soon. I wanted too go too sleep in my bed and dream of...I don't know, hot men on the cover of Vogue?

Spencer, who was as awake as ever, reached out his hand. He was giving me something. 

"You look tired, and these help," He told me, gesturing for me too take the object in his hand. I reached out and took wahtever it was. It was a small, tiny bottle with colorful writing on it. 

"Geez, Spence, how many of these have you had?" I said, looking at the 5 hour energy bottle. 

"Just two," 

"Thats not very healthy," 

"It keeps be awake, so, drink up." 

I looked at Spencer, then unwrapped the bottle. I twisted off the cap and smelled the liquid. Not that pleasing, I thought as I cringed away from the liquid. 

"Drink it like a shot, goes down easier." Spencer said, watching me.

"You've done a shot before?" I asked.

"I know I look book smart and wear a vest too work, but that doesn't stop me from getting drunk,"

I chuckled, then cheered too Spencer with the bottle. "Too staying awake,"

"To staying awake," Spencer said, using an imaginery shot too knock with my bottle.

Spencer was right. It did go down easier when you drank it like a shot. I still coughed a bit after wards, not enjoying the funky after-taste in my mouth.

A couple hours later, work was over. I stretched in my seat, happy I got all my work finished. As I packed my bag, I felt the sleep start too settle on me. It was hard too stay awake, since it was almost 8 p.m. 

I felt someone walk up behind me, but soon realized it was Spencer. 

"Do you want a ride home?" He asked, looking at me.

"I have my own car, but thanks." I smiled.

"You look like you would fall asleep at the wheel, honestly," He said.

"Thanks," I mumbled. "Yeah, I'll take the ride,"

Spencer's car was comftorable, too say the least. I was asleep right after I told him my adress, my cheek pressed up against the window. I kept falling in and out of sleep, so I saw the ride too my apartment partially. Some time, I heard Spencer humming a familiar tune. The other time, he was mumbling something too himself. 

When we arrived, Spencer shook my shoulder. 

"We're here," He said, almost whispering. I felt as if I couldn't move my body that I was so tired. I heard Spencer get out, then open my door. 

He carefully wrapped his hands around my bosy and picked me up, bridal style. I snuggled into his chest, finding it suprisingly comftorable. 

Spencer carried me up too my apartment, fumbled in my pocket for my keys, then opened the door. He sat me down on the couch, but before he could leave, I reached out my hand and tugged on his sleeve.

"Don't go," I said, still half asleep. 

"You.." Spencer gulped. "You want me too stay?"

I nodded, then scooched over on the couch, leaving enough room for Spencer too lay next too me.

He did so, and soon I had my head on his chest. His arm came up a minute later, and I felt it stroking my hair, which was both comftorable and relaxing. 

Spencer finally became at ease, his tension wore off, and he relaxed into me.

Too be honest, it was probably one of the best ways that I had fallen aseep. 

Spencer Reid Imagines + One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now