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I rubbed my temples, staring at the piece of paper laid out in front of me. I stared at my own handwriting on the paper. 

"So when are you going too finally send it?" Prentiss asked, a hand on my shoulder. I groaned. 

"Never," I stated. "I don't think he even wants a love letter. That's so...old, I guess." 

"You said you didn't want too tell him upfront, and Spencer doesn't even have email! This is the best way," Prentiss said.

"This letter is driving me crazy," a new voice spoke up. My head darted up too see which forbidden soul knew about the letter. 

It was Morgan. He was leaning against his desk, sipping on his coffee, smiling. 

"You told Derek?" I hissed at Prentiss, giving her a glare.

"No, I swear!"

"Chili out. You're kind of making it obvious, honestly." Morgan said, using his hands too make a gesture that we weren't all that quiete. "Spencer probably already knows about this letter fiasco."

My eyes widened. "What?" 

"No, he doesn't!" Prentiss said, also glaring at Morgan. "And you better not tell him!"

"I'm kidding, okay? The kids clueless, he never realizes that someone likes him until it's pointed out," Morgan chuckled. I rolled my eyes and went back too staring at the letter.

"That's it. I'm not gonna send it." 

"Yes you will," Morgan said in a singing voice. 

"Shut up!" Prentiss hissed at him quietly. Derek put his hands up in defense.

"He doesn't has too know, does he?" I sighed.

"Yes, he-" Morgan was cut off by Prentiss playfully shoving him. "Okay, okay.."

"Don't know what?" Spencer. I looked up too see Reid standing at his desk, looking around at us confused. I quickly used a case file too cover up the letter. 

"Um, Uh...I just..need some more coffee," Derek excused himself, quickly leaving the scene. 

"Hotch asked me too come too his office, so, I have too go too!" Prentiss quirked up. I glared at her as she also left my ass. All alone with Spencer.

I looked up at Spencer and laughed awkwardly. "That's weird, huh?"

Spencer eyes me suspiciously. "What's going on?"

"Nothing. Nope, nothing at all..." I trailed off, then picked up a file, "I'm just checking out some other cases!"

Spencer looked at the file then smirked. "That files empty, Y/n."

I looked at the indeed empty file and quickly put it back on my desk. "Oh, I guess it is..."

Spencer licked his lips, tilting his head, searching my eyes. I avoided eye contact as much as I could.

"What are you hiding?" Spencer sat down in his chair, leaning on his hands. 

"...." I stayed silent, not sure what too say. what was i supposed too say? Yes, I am in love with you and I have a love letter confessing all my feelings written for you.

"Whats that?" Spencer asked. While I was picking up the file, I had picked the one covering the letter. Stupid me! Spencer reached forward and grabbed the paper before I could stop him.

"Shit." I thought as Spencer read the letter. His brows furrowed with each line. I was just sitting there, not knowing what too do except be completely frozen.

"Y/n? Is this a ...love letter?" Spencer looked up. He had finished it, read it all, maybe twice.

"uh...." I gulped. I didn't know what too say. Spencer knows. He knows.

"Y/n? Hey, you're off now, arent you? Well, common now!" Me and Spence turned too see Garcia waving me over franticaly. Thank god, my savior has come. I looked back at Spencer and smiled awkwardly.

"I-i have to go!" I said and quickly grabbed my bag and hurried too Garcia, leaving the stupid letter with Spencer.

"Thank you! Thank you thank you so much Garcia! You are literally the best person in this whole office!" I whispered too Garcia as I walked next too her. 

"i know," Garcia snorted. "You looked so pathetic it was hard not too step in," 

I glared at her. 

"I'm joking!" 

I laughed, and so did she. 

"But anyways, what did he say about the letter?"

"You know?" I shrieked quitely. "Who told you? Prentiss? Derek?"

"I mustn't break the oath of silence," Garcia said in a medievel accent. I groaned. 

"He knows," I sighed as I entered Garcia's office full of technology. She closed the door ebhidn me.  "He grabbed the letter and read it,"

"well, thats a good thing! He likes you so much, its really obvious!"

"It is?" I questioned Garcia hopefully. 

"Yes! Its good that he got the lttr!" Garcia said, hyping me up. 

"I don't know, I just don't have a good feeling about this...." I said. 


While Y/n sharing her feelings with Garcia, Spencer stared at the letter in his hands. He had read it about a dozen times, still not wrapping his mind around the words on the paper.

I love you, Spencer Reid.

Reid licked his lip. She wasn't joking. She loved him. And he loved her. It was too good too be true. And maybe it was. But Y/n wouldn't pull of a prank like that. She wouldn't toy with someones feelings. 

He finally decided too find Y/n and confess his feelings back too her. Would that be a good idea? Of course it would be. 

Spencer got up from his seat and slowly walked too Garcia's office. He knew Y/n would be there. He gathered courage while he walked there, hyping himself up. 

Finally, he was in front of Garcia's door. It took him a second, but he finally knocked.


A knock on the door startled me, stopping my rant. I opened the door too see Spencer there, but then immdietly shut it. I turned back too Garcia, my eyes wide. 

"It's him!" I said, panicking.

"Well open the door and talk too him!"  Garcia got up and opened the door, pushing me out of her office and right into Spencer. I quickly set my balance straight after bumping into Reid. I looked up at him, feeling my face too heat up. He stared down at me. I wanted too dissapear, fall through the floor, wahtever. 

"Uh..can we talk?" He asked, looking down at me. 

I swallowed. "Sure," 

I followed spencer outswide too the front of the office. People ussually come out here too talk, but right now there was no one. We were all alone. 

I leaned against the wall, sticking my hands into my pockets, looking down. "So waht do you want too..." 

I was cut of by Spencer taking the sides of my face pulling in, and kissing me. It was a soft kiss, yet it was hungry. After the surprise melted off, I kissed back. My hands slowly made their way too Spencer's hair, entangaling my fingers in his locks. 

There was no space between us, we were pushed up against each other, wanting more of ourselves. 

As I was running out of hair, we both pulled away, breathing heavily. Spencer leaned against me, his forehead against mine.

His adam's apple bobbed, and he quickly spoke the words I have been dying too hear. "I love you too," 

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