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Controlled Trigger Press

"Now, remember, Spencer, forth-sight and controlled trigger press, then follow through," I said for the third time. I was standing with my hands on my hips, watching as Spencer targeted the dummy in the shooting range.

He had been needing help too pass his qualifications for the right too have a gun, so Hotch asked me too train Spencer. He said I was the best shot out of the whole team, so me helping Spencer was a good idea. In his opinion, of course.

We had been at the range for the past thirty minutes, repeating over the same steps, firing rounds into the target, and reloading magazines ever so often. Spencer missed most of his shots, some didn't even go onto the paper target plastered on the wall.

I sighed as Spencer fired the gun, and lowered his gun too see if he hit anything at all.

"Follow-through," I said sternly. Spencer turned bright pink and put the gun back to its previous position: facing the target.

"I'm never going too pass my qualifications," Spencer whined five minutes later, as he changed the rounds in his magazine.

"We've been here for half an hour," I sighed, looking at the target, which only had about 13 hits displayed on it. "In two hours, you'll be able too hit bulls-eye without even trying," I hoped.

Spencer didn't seem reassured. I watched him fire two more rounds before interrupting.

"Let me just show you, Spence," I said, grabbing my gun from my belt. Spencer put his gun down, then stepped aside too make room for me.

"Watch me the entire time," I ordered.

"I do it all the time," I heard him mutter under his breath. I would have asked him what he meant, but I had too teach Spencer for him too pass the qualifications. I can ask him after he obtains his gun.

I raised the glock too eye level, positioned my feet, and aimed.

"See how my finger isn't on the trigger yet?" I asked. I saw him nod. "That's the second step, controlled trigger press. Don't have your finger there before you're ready too fire."

I locked the target in place, and was ready too fire. I put the tip of my pointer finger on the trigger. "See how only the iceberg of my finger is on the trigger? That's also part of controlled trigger press,"

I felt Spencer's eyes on me, watching carefully. I pulled the trigger, and the round escaped the gun with a bang. The gun moved jolted upward, but I brought it back in front of my house, aiming at the target again.

"Step number three, follow through," I said. A few seconds later, I pulled the gun down and back at my belt. At the target, a new hole stood at the center of the target. Spencer started at it, the back at me.

I stepped back, then motioned for him too continue. I watched as he picked up the gun, and yet my gaze wandered over too his biceps instead of his hands. His veins poked out underneath and thin layer of muscle. His lands were large, and looked like they could squeeze me so tight that...

God, stop that! I wanted too smack myself. Now is not the time too be thinking about sexual encounters with your officers!

I watched the gun this time as Spencer shot the next round. It hit the target, but in the white peace of the paper. I figured he wasn't going too get it just from practice.

"Alright, stay were you are," I said, coming up from behind him. I positioned my body next too him, so we were compressed together. I lined my face next too his too see the position his gun was at. Mine and Spencer's skin touched together as I did so. I tried not too pay attention too that.

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