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Part Two of b.4

Recap: Y/n had been transferred from the BAU in Quantico to Russia, leaving the team and Spencer.

AU: I know Russian is bad, but my computer setting didn't have a Russian language option, so I had to use Google Translate. But I am Russian myself, so I know what I'm writing!

Translations are in italic. 

Five Years Later

"Тебя вызвали в Квантико. Вы не можете продолжить свою работу здесь, в России. Эмма переводит тебя в головной офис Квантико тоже быть главным директором, их старый был удален."

You've been called to Quantico. You can't proceed your work here in Russia. Emma is transferring you to Quantico's head office too be Chief Director, their old one had been removed.

I looked up from my desk too see Victoria standing by the door. 

"Эмма сказала тебе это? Не мог Квантико найти кого-то другого?" I bit my lip. 

Emma told you this? Couldn't Quantico have found someone else?

"Да, и вы были запрошены головой." Victoria said.

Yes, and you were requested by the head.

I set down the file I was holding and sighed.  

"И мне нужно идти?" I asked. 

And I have to go?

"К сожалению, да. Эмма уже согласилась, что ты тоже отпустила. Вы уезжаете завтра, самолет будет перед зданием завтра в 2."

Unfortunately, yes. Emma already agreed too let you go. You leave tomorrow, a jet will be in the front of the building tomorrow at 2.

I sighed, waving her out of the office. 

"Хорошо. Спасибо, Виктория."

Okay. Thank you, Victoria.

As Victoria left my office, I rubbed my temples. I only had one night too pack all my stuff, and moving too America tomorrow. Too Quantico. I vaguely remembered working there before moving too Russia. 

I knew I wouldn't be Chief Director of this office, but being one in Quantico is certainly better. 

I thought about the people I had last worked with in Quantico. I remembered their names, especially Spencer. They all probably looked so much more different. Hell, they might not evne work in Quantico. Chances are, I'll probably be directing an office with a whole new set of people. 


I looked as the airlien staff loaded my luggage into the plane. Victoria was standing next to me, along with Emma and the team I wa shead off in Russia.

We made our goodbyes and I boarded my plane. It was about a 16 hour flight back too America, but thankfully I was on the teams private jet and would get too Russia with a nice and silent flight. 

I hadn't had much sleep at night, so after take off, I fell asleep on the couch while the place through across ocean and land. 

A good 16 hours later, we had arrived. 

I took a taxi too a new apartment I had managed too find the night before. I laid out some stuff and laid on a matress.

I hadn't had time too buy a bed. I would get all the furniture on the weekend, or wahtever. But right now, I was hungry. I ordered a pizza from a nearby place.

When I arrived, I ate it all while exchanging emails with the previous Chief Director in the office i was going to be working in. 


As I walked into the office, I could feel everybody staring at me. I was wearing  a black proffesional suit and had my hair down, wearing a bit of makeup. 

The building felt ancient too me, even though I had worked here before. As I entered the actual office with the desks, I almost immdielty felt comftorable and relaxed. 

I saw a few faces I didn't recognize, but didn't worry too much about it. Right now, I was focused on finding Hotch's office. I wasn't surprised Aaron still worked in the BAU, he was a commited man. 

His office was exactly where it was 5 years ago. I knocked on the door, and when his voice echoed 'come in' I opened the door. 

Hotch looked up and his mouth slightly opened. 

"Y/n..." He got up and immidietly and hugged me. 

"Missed you too," I chuckled, patting his back. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked when he pulled a

"Well..I'm the new Chief Director!" I said, making jazz hands. 

"Thats you?" 

I nodded. Hotch smiled wide. 

"Congrats. I knew you'd get there," He said. "Anyways, you gotta meet everyone else!"

"No one left?" 

"no one. I'm sure they'll be exited too see you," 

"Of course," I exited the room after Hotch, walking down too the cubicles. The first one I approached was Morgan. I looked at him.

He was looking through a file, his feet propped up on the desk. 

"Ya know, puttign your feet up on your desk is a sign of disrespect," I said. Morgna whirled around in his chair, looking confused. When he saw me, his face shifted too total shock and surprise. 

"Y/n?" He got up, leaving the file on his desk. 

"Chocolate Thunder," I adressed Morgan back as he gave me a giant hug. 

"who's that?" A new voice piped up. I looked too see Prentiss standing up. When she recognized you, she started too grin. Prentiss pushed Morgan away from me and squished me into a giant hug, also. 

"Oh my god, what are you doing here?" Prentiss asked after hse pulled away. 

"Well, you're looking at your new Chief Director!"

"Oh my god, thats great!" She said, and Morgna and her pulled me into another giant hug. 

After a minute of socializing, I heard another voice from behind me.

"What, has it been 5 years?" 

I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes. It was Spencer. His hair had grown more and he had developed a beard.

My lips parted. "Spencer.."

A second later, I was engulfed in his arms. He held on tight too me, and I didn't want too let go of me. 

"I thought I'd never see you again," He mumbled. 

"Well you were wrong," I said. 

After he pulled away, Spencer did something I never though he would do. He cupped my face and pulled me closer too him. 

His lips touched mine. The kiss was hungry and surprised. I kissed back though. The last time I had seen Spencer he had kissed me. 

I had missed his touch, the taste of his lips. Everything. 

"Christ, get a room!" I heard Prentiss laugh out. 

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