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The fucking bomb went off before I could register there even was one. The blast blew me back, making me land somewhere far. The building shook from the force, and I heard bits of the roof falling.

 Once the sound of the explosion stopped ringing in my ears, I was able too slowly get up. The power was cut, but I still had my flashlight. I turned it on to spectate the surrounding area. It was dark, musty, and bits of the roof collapsed here and there in piles that could crush a living human. 

I wobbled too my feet and leaned against a still-standing wall, coughing. My head ached, and when I brought up my hand too touch it, I was bleeding. 

"Morgan! Spencer!" I cried out, remembering my partners who were also harmed by the explosion. A second later, Morgan called out.


"Yes!" I limped towards the sound 0f his voice, my ankle was in agony. I might have twisted it. I found Morgan around the corner, with his flashlight also on. 

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked him. I looked  his shoulder, where the fabric was torn off. His whole hand was dangling at a weird angle. "You have a dislocated shoulder," 

Morgan shrugged it off, turning his attention back too me. 

"Is your ankle okay?"

"Yeah, but I might've twisted it." 

A second later, I realized we were still missing someone. 

"Where's Spencer?" Morgan asked, shining his flashlight around. 

"I don't know," I mumbled. "Radio Hotch, tell him we're okay, but we still haven't found Spencer yet." 

Mrgan nodded. We then proccedded too split up in oppsoite directions, shouting Spencer's name, hoping too find him. 

"Spencer!" I yelled, shining a light at a pile of wall residue. Then I saw it. A hand poking out of the rubble. "Spencer?" 

I ran over too the hand, setting down the flashlight, and beggining too work on pulling the rubble off of him. Finally, when the first sweat broke out on my forehead, I saw Spoencer's uppr body. After pulling off a big rock, He was exposed too me. His hair was covered in ashes, and there was bleeding coming from a bunch of injuries in his body. 

"Morgan!" I yelled too him. I grabbed Spencers hand and tried shaking him. When that didn't wake him up, I checked his pulse. It was there but it was very weak. 

Morgan came running up behind me. "Oh my god. Ishe still alive?" 

I nodded. "Find a way out of here, and have Hotch call an ambulence." 

As Morgan did that, I pulled away the rest of the rubble. Finally, I was able too drag him away from the rocks. I laid him out, checking all the inuries. Nothing seemed too bad, excpet his leg and arm. Those were definitely broken. 

Morgan knelt beside me, examining Spencer's broken figure. "We have too get him out of here," 

Spencer began too stir, and son his eyes opened. 

"Y/n?" He croaked out. 

"Yes, I'm right here." I took his hand and lightly squeezed it. Spencer gave a small smile.

"Thats good," He said. His gaze was focused on the ceiling above him. 

"We need too fidn an exit," I turned too Morgan, still clutching Spencer's hand. 

"Okay," Morgan said. "You stay with him, I'll come back when I found one,"

Morgan jogged away and I turned my attention back to Spencer.

Spencer Reid Imagines + One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now