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"Hi, uh, sorry. Would you hapen too know where Hotter's office is?" I clasped the strap of y bag as I asked a little lasy. She shrugged and walked off, leaving me as confused as ever, wondering where this guy's office was. Apparently, he was my new boss at the BAU, and this was my first day. Though I had no idea where the hell he was. 

I was now begginign to get a little frustrated, as this lady was the 3th person too shrug me off or say 'no'. Maybe this Hotter guy didn't even exist..

I leaned agains the wall, tryign too figure out who looks smart enough too ask. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a figure approaching me. He was tall, skinny, with dark brown curly hair. 

I looked over, and he stopped just a couple feet away from me. 

"Are you new here? I've never seen you before," He said, rolling on the balls of his feet. His eyes were both soft and intense at the same time, which made me a little uncomftorable.  

"Uh...yes. Would you happen to know where Aaron Hotter's office is?" I asked, standing up straight. The mangave of a confused expression, and I though he was going too say 'no' until...

"Do you mean Aaron Hotchner?" He asked. His hands gripped his coffee cup. 

"Well...." I quickly grabbed my phone out of my bag and opened my email. My eyes widened. "Oh man,"

"Something wrong?"

"Yeah. I read the name wrong, and was telling everyone I needed to know where Hotter's offie was," I grumbled. The man chuckled. His laugh was warm and pleasent, which caused me too smile too. 

"Well, anyways, I know where he is. He's my boss to," The man smiled and told me too follow him. I almost jumped out of joy as I felt relief wash over me, happy that I was finally on the right track. 

"I'm Spencer, by the way. Spencer Reid." The man, Spencer, said. 

"Y/n Y/l/s," I said. Spencer shook my hand. His grip was tight, and sent shivers down my spine just from his touch. 

"I guess we'll be working together. If you don't mind, may I ask how old you are?" 

I looked at Spencer, a bit surprised by the question. "I'm 26."

"Oh, thats cool. I joined the BAU at 22." 

"Wow, you were young."

"I was."

"Do you like your job?" I asked Spencer out of the blue. Lucky for me, he didn't give me a questioning look. 

"Yes. It gets gory and tiring at times, but atleast we're helping others," Spencer said. He sipped on his coffee, and looked down on me. "Why did you want this job?"

I thought for a bit. "I want too make a different, I guess."

Spencer nodded. We entered an office, which had peaople sitted down and working, reading files stacked on each other. Spencer led me up a ramp, where multiple offices sat. He stopped in front of a door marked "Aaron Hotchner".

"Alright, here we are."

I locked at Spencer. "I can't thank you enough. I probably would still have been lost back there."

Spencer laughed. "Well, anyways, good luck there Y/n. I have a feeling I'll enjoy working with you,"

I nodded, and watched Spencer walk back down the ramp and too his desk. A woman sitting opposite him pocked Reid in the shoulder, and vaguely pointed at me. 

I watched Spencer smile and push the woman away. He was so flustered I could see it from here. 

I hope you like this imagine! I was bored so I decided to make another one. I'm in theatre rn, so I kinda rushed it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2020 ⏰

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