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My sleep was disturbed by someone moving in the bed. It was around 3 am when I woke up, naked, only the sheets covering me. 

I rolled over too my side too see Spencer twitching in the bed, his eyes still closed. Sweat beaded down his forehead as he mumbled things under his breath.

He was having a nightmare. 

I sat up, propping myself on one elbow as I shook Spencer, trying to get him to wake up.

"Spence," I whispered too him. I gently shook his shoulder, then harder when he still wouldn't wake up.

"Spence!" I hissed to him, louder this time though. His eyes flew open and twitching stopped. He looked at the ceiling, breathing heavily. 

"Are you okay?" I asked him, feeling worried. He seemed to remember I was there. He rolled over too his side, facing me, and cleared his throat.

"No," He whispered. I tried too figure out what he was feeling. Fear? Maybe..

"Hey," I pulled Spencer closer, so his head now rested on my shoulder. "It's okay.."

Spencer began sobbing. Like really hard. His whole body racked as he spilled his tears. I stroked the back of his head, comforting him while he cried out whatever he saw in tha nightmare.

Once his sobs quieted down too just sniffled, I kissed the top of his head.

"Do you want too talk about it?" I asked him quietly. He shook his head. "Thats okay," 

Soon, we both went back too sleep. 


Three hours later, my alarm was blaring. I rubbed my eyes and shut it off, not wanting too get up. Spencer stirred in his sleep, in the same position he feel asleep in. 

I got up and went too take a shower and get ready for work. As the hot water spilled down my bare back, I remember what had happened the previous nights. I didn't really know Spencer had nightmares. I've slept with him before at his apartment and mine, but never before was I awoken by him like that. 

He didn't want too talk about it, and I respected it. But I still wanted too figure out what he was dreaming about. 

After my shower, I put on a blouse and a tight black pants, getting ready for work. After applying a bit of makeup, I exited the bathroom too find Spencer sitting at the edge of the bed. 

"Your turn," I said as I brushed out my hair. He simply nodded and went too the bathroom with his change of clothes. 

As Spencer showered, I went too the kitchen of my apartment too make breakfast. I put on the coffee and made some oatmeal. Spencer was out right in time. He took a boal of oatmeal and a cup of coffee, slowly eating.

After some silence, I finally spoke up.

"I get nightmares too," I said. That was true. Mostly about the job, where  had to face the greusome murder scenes and people. "We all do," 

Spencer stopped eating and looked up at me. He licked his lips.

"It's about my mom," He said. I knew about Spencer's mom being a schyzophrenic, but I never knew it affected him this much. "I dream..I dream about when she gets worser.."

I sat down across from him and put a hand on his reassuringly.

"It's going too be okay. It was just a nightmare," I said, stroking the top of his hand lightly with my index finger.

Spencer looked down, then took a deep breath.

"What if she won't be? What if she does get worse?" 

"Then I'll be there for you, the whole time. The whole way." 

Spencer looked up, tears pooling up in his eyes.



Spencer took my hand in his and smiled a small smile.

"Thank you, Y/n. Thank you for being here," 

Our bond seemed too strengthen that day. 

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