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I stared blankly at the assorted pictures in the journal. I couldn't believe my eyes, but they were seeing exactly what I was seeing for the past hour.

I flipped back too the cover and muttered the words under my breath.

"A new man in Lilas life?" I scoffed, throwing down the magazine on the coffee table. The picture of Spencer kissing her kept replaying in my mind.

What did she have that I didn't? Maybe her eyes were more sparkling, maybe her hair was more soft. 

 I have been dating Spencer for several years, but I never expected him too go after another woman. It had never even happened before, not once. 

And this is the way I find out he has been cheating on me? Threw the fucking news?

I got up from the couch and paced around the room, my hand on my head. What the hell was I supposed to do? Forgive him? He wasn't even home yet and I was already trying too have an argument with him. I leaned against the kitchen counter, folded my arms, and stared at the ceiling.

My mind was full of questions too ask him when he got back, but none were good. 

The door too the apartment clicked open and Spencer shuffled in. I glared at him. His hair was messy, his eye bags were darker than normal.

Normally I would have run up too him, kissed him, hugged, whatever. But now I felt disgusted by that thought. 

"Hey love!" Spencer exclaimed dropping his bag on the ground. When he finally looked at me, his smile fell. He had noticed my sour expression . 

He walked up too me. "What's wrong?" His hand came up too touch mine, but I shrugged it away.

"Don't touch me," I spat at him coldly,  staring him into his eyes.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked, pulling his arm back. No I'm totally fine, why would put I be when I read the morning news just too find out my boyfriend of 5 years was cheating on me with some kind of actress in Hollywood?

I went back too the coffee table and took the magazine, disgusted by the front page. I walked back too Spencer and slammed it into his hands. He looked surprised. He turned over the magazine and stared at the cover. 

He knew. This wasn't something new too him.

"Listen, I can-" Spencer started.

"Is this what you do while you're away on cases? Huh?" I  threw my hands up, looking at Spencer in disbelief. "Go on and fuck any woman you see?" 

Spencer opened his mouth too say something. He looked hurt.

"I wonder how long this shit had been keeping up for?" I yelled.

"I'm sorry it was an accident-" Spencer gulped.

"A fucking accident?" I laughed. I grabbed the magazine from h8m and flipped too the page covered with photos of him and Lila. I put it up for him too see. "You don't accidentally kiss someone," 

I was tearing up. 

"No I swear too god it was an accident! She kissed me first! I was there too protect her, it was supposed too happen!" Spencer finally got too speak. I folded my arms.

"You could've at least called," I whispered, looking at him through tears eyes. 

Spencer liked his lip, trying too say something. I shock my head, then made my way to the bedroom. I grabbed a duffel bag and opened drawers, stuffing in clothes.

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