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"Why didn't you tell me sooner, Y/n?" Spencer asked quietly. I was heartbroken to see him like this. He looked hurt. He was hurt. 

"I..I thought you would hate me." I tried to swallow down the guilt, but it didn't work. Just kept pulling up in the base of my throat.

"You kissed another man!" Spencer stood up from the couch and flew his hand up. 

"It was an accident, I swear!" I tried to defend myself. It was an accident but made too look like the most realistic kiss there ever was. 

"I can't believe I trusted you," He grumbled, running his hands through his hair in frustration. "You kept it a secret for a whole two weeks!"

"I'm sorry, Spencer, I'm so so..." I didn't get a chance to finish. Spencer flung the cup of coffee from the table across the floor. I winced as it shattered on impact, spewing everywhere.

"I thought I could trust you," Spencer out a finger up too his face, shaking it like an old-school parent cussing you out. "And you kissed another man!"

I wanted too say something, but couldn't. Nothing would come out of my mouth.

"It's like I am the only one that even acknowledged that we are in a relationship!" He hissed at me. I looked down at my feet, at a loss for words. He was right.

"Are you stupid, or something? Do you even hear me? Do you even process waht you did?" Spencer yelled now.


"Your a fucking cheater, you're no good too anyone."

Suddenly, I felt a connection with my cheek. It started too burn soon, but not before I toppled over on impact, landing into the wall. 

He had slapped me. Spencer slapped me. I put a hand up too my burning cheek, then looked up at Spencer. My eyes were blurred with tears.

Spencer looked angry, but soon his expression changed. Regret. He finally realized that he had hit me. 

"Oh my god, Y/n I..." He knelt next too me and tried too touch my cheek, but I flinched away, afraid he was gonna hit me. Again.

Spencer's mouth parted when he realized. Realized that I was now scared for his touch. 

A few tears slipped out my eyes, running down my cheek, dripping from my chin. We just stared at each other, not saying anything. 

"Please go," I whispered.

Spencer regained the angry expression he had on before. He stood up from his crouching position, then stride out of my apartment. As if nothing ever happened.

When he left, I began too sob. I had just let the only good thing in my life go. As if god had yanked him out of my grip. 

Are you dumb?  I heard Spencer's voice replay in my mind. 

You're a cheater, you're no good too anyone. 

I crumpled onto the floor, sobbing, holding myself, wishing it was Spencer. He kept me together. He kept me from falling apart. He was the duct tape too my life, and now that tape ripped, leaving pieces too follow out and seperate.


After a visit too the ER, I had my disclosed shoulder from the fall put back in its socket. I now walked out into the street, clutching my purse, a bad she on m shoulder.

When I was asked for cause of the injury, I told them I had tripped and fell. No big deal. I don't think the nurses believed me.

I stared onto the streets outside the Hospital, trying not too break down again. Maybe I deserved this.

Spencer Reid Imagines + One ShotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum