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Bullet Holes

The pain in my abdomen was growing each passing second as Spencer used one of his hands to press down on the bullet hole. He was cradling my head on his lap, stroking my hair gently with his other hand.

"It's alright, you're going to be okay," He said worryingly. My vision was fuzzy, and my eyelids felt heavy.

"Spencer," I choked out, feeling daggers in my body each time I spoke. "Spence...I feel tired.." 

My eyelids drooped, but I managed to keep them open. 

"Don't close your eyes, Y/n,  just keep looking at me," Spencer said, and I could hear his voice growing hoarse as if he was crying. Maybe he was. 

"It's not your fault," I groaned out a few moments later. "You did what you could," I could see the unsubs body, but I knew it was there. Pale, dead, with a bullet from Spencer's gun, lodged in his skull. 

Spencer froze, his fingers trembling on my forehead. 

"Yes, it is. If I had gotten here sooner, you wouldn't be like this," He said again, his voice quivering. Before I could muster the energy too form a response, Spencer shushed me. 

"Save your energy, you'll need it," He went back to stroking my hair and pressing down on the bullet hole. I could hear sirens and ambulances in the distance, growing closer and closer. I could faintly see the bright red lights of the ambulance as it pulled into the abandoned park. 

Paramedics got out, and I could hear shouting, commands being thrown hear and there. I heard Morgan yelling something, and soon his face appeared over mine. He looked sad, angry, confused, and scared. 

"It's going to be okay, sweetheart," Derek said, using his nickname for me. I managed a grim smile.

"Thanks, buddy," I said, immediately starting to couch on my own blood. Spencers hand left my abdomen and a new one replaced it. Soon, two paramedics hovered over me. The female paramedic started talking to me, but I couldn't hear her. A few seconds later, they were lifting me to a stretcher. And that's probably when I passed out from the overwhelming pain. 

Spencer POV

A male paramedic forced me off of Y/n, and I stumbled back, my eyes heavy with tears. 

It was all my fault. If I was faster, I could have gotten to y/n, and shot the unsub before he could hurt her. But I didn't. Morgan was standing close by, looking as the paramedics loaded the ambulance with y/n's helpless body. 

I heard car doors slam and the rest of the team got out of the other car, jogging over too me. Prentiss gawked at the blood spot on the grass from Y/n, while Hotch put a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" He asked his low voice now barely above a whisper. I swallowed hard, looking at the unsub's dead body, wishing he was still alive, just so I could shoot him a thousand more times. 

"Yes," I shrugged off Hotch's hand, pushing my way through JJ and Rossi. I made me=y way too the car, motioning for Morgan to get behind the wheel. "Now we need too go and make sure Y/n's alright," 

A minute later, we were speeding down the highway, the ambulance way in front of us. Morgan was gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles were turning wide. 

I sat there, staring at the dried blood covering my hands. I felt dazed, numb. What if the blood on my hand will be the last part of Y/n I'll have?

No, I couldn't think like that. Y/n will live. She's strong, she'll make it. 

Morgan took a deep breath, like he was about to say something, but stopped himself. This wasn't a time for deep conversations. This was a time for hope. 

Spencer Reid Imagines + One ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя