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Baby Names 

"What about this one?" Spencer asked, pointing to a name in the book.

"Rodney? Sounds kinda..cowboyish," I said, shaking my head. Spencer huffed. 

"We've been doing this for hours, Y/n." He whined, putting down the book of baby names. 

"Actually, it's only been about thirty minutes," I chuckled, looking at my wristwatch. Spencer leaned back into his pillow, gazing outside the bedroom window. "Plus, you insisted on picking out names," 

"Well yeah, but not for this long!" 

"Common, Pretty Boy, back too work," 

Spencer grabbed his book and smacked me lightly in the shoulder with it. I laughed.

"I've had enough work for today," He grumbled. He got up from the bed and went too the window. During his four second walk there, I picked up his fallen book and tossed it across the room, smacking him in the back. He turned around and raised his eyebrows at me.

"What?" I laughed, not sure what was coming next.

"Alright, you wanna play it this way?" Spencer ran back too the bed, tossed away my book for baby names, and got on top of me, cradling me. Quickly, his fingers found my side.

"Ow!" I laughed out. Spencer was the only one who knew how ticklish I was, and he often used it too his advantage. I howled as he found my sweet spot, almost screaming from laughter.

"Stop, stop!" I giggled, trying too push his hands away. Soon, Spencer rolled off me, grinning like a mad man. "I didn't marry you for you too tickle me every night!"

"No, you married me because I am a great husband," Spencer pointed out. I tried too glare at him, but couldn't. I couldn't be mad at him. Not at all.

"Asshole," I grumbled, trying too find my now lost book.

"Love you too, sweetheart," Spencer cooed. 

Finally, I found my book laying under the bed. I grabbed it and went back too my sitting position. I opened it up, eyeing all the names at the page. Suddenly, one caught my eye.

"Ooh!" I gasped, pointing at the name. "What about Jasper?" 

"Jasper Reid," Reid hummed, then smiled. "I like it." 

I grinned. Spencer then poked my stomach. 

"Dear future Jasper Reid, I hope you remember that we had too go through a whole tickle attack too find a name for you," He said, talking too the fetus in my stomach. I laughed.

Spencer was going too make a hell of a dad, that was for sure. 

This one was pretty short, but cute! Hope you like it :) -author 

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