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"Who are you here too see?" The receptionist asked. I fumbled with my bag, pulling out my I.D.

"Spencer Reid," I said. The lady took my I.D, ran it through the system, then handed it back too me smiling. 

"Alright, you're good to go. I'll have Kelly escort you too his room."

A pretty lady, probably Kelly, came up too me. "Follow me," She said, and started walking down the hall. I followed her, my heels clicking on the floor. 

The institute felt like a nursing home, not an institution for sick people. We passed a woman in a wheelchair and her caretaker while walking down. The woman, maybe 40, looked sick and tired. I heard her throwup after we passed her. 

Finally, Kelly stopped next too a closed door. "Here he is. Take your time,"

Kelly opened the door, and I didn't see Spencer at first. I walked into the room, too find it neat and..empty. A bed with white sheets pressed up against a wall. A window facing outside, and a chair. 

Spencer was sitting on that chair. We was wearing a sweater and pants, and he was facing the window, just staring at it. 

I bi my lip, trying not too cry.

"His alzheimers has gotten worse. He now believes that is 12 years old, and the people around him are his teachers," Kelly quietly said, then left. 

"Hi Spencer," I said, standing by the door. He turned around in his chair and looked at me, confused. "Do you know I am?" 

He tilted his head, then shook his head. "You don't look like a teacher. No, I've never seen you before,"

I gulped, holding the tears back. He didn't remember me. I walked towards Spencer, slowly. Kelly had told me he was in the state of believing he was a 12 year old highschooler, too believing that he was in a time period over twenty years ago. 

I knelt down by Spencer, and took his hands in mine. Spencer didn't pull away, but he looked uncomftorable.

"I'm your wife, Spencer," I said. In started too cry, quietly.

"Oh um.." Spencer looked away. "I'm 12. I don't have a wife. Pedro says he does, but I don't believe him," Spencer saw my distress as I pulled away and sat on the edge of his bed. "I'm sorry,"

I shook my head. "You have nothing too apologize for, Spencer." 

I thought for a bit. "I remember you told me how much Pedro bothered you.."

Spencer tilted his head, looking at me. "So I do know you? How, though?"

I looked up, searching his eyes too see if he recognized me, even for just a bit. He didn't.

"You just do. We met, once." 

"Okay," Spencer said, then smiled. "I hope we can be friends!"

I nodded. "I hope so too," 

Spencer turned back too the window, watching the outside world. I stood up and walked out the door. Before I exited, I took one last long look at him, then turned away. 

I saw Prentiss standing right outside the door, leaning against the door. The got up when she saw me, concern in her eyes.

Thats when I broke down. I started sobbing, right down in the hallway. Prentiss hugged me, stroking my hair.

"It's going too be okay, he's going too be okay..."

I wanted too believe that. I really did. 

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