23. Go to Bed

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You know what? Mia thinks. I've done a lot of work today. She sends Terry a quick text explaining why she's not going. She turns off her TV and sets her phone down. She slips deep under her covers, rests her head on her pillow, and closes her eyes.

She reflects on herself as she waits to fall asleep. She has a fairly simple life. She works from 8 A.M. to 5 P.M. five days a week. When she gets home from work she always feeds her dog, eats dinner, showers, and occasionally will watch a few episodes of a show. On her days off she cleans the house, goes grocery shopping if needed, and walks Benjamin. Her life has been like this every week for the past three years.

Honestly? She loves it. Mia likes just being responsible for herself and her dog. She likes the predictability of her life. She likes how comfortable her life is. It's simple and pleasant.

Mia hugs her pillow closer to her cheek and drifts to sleep, perfectly content.


"Congratulations, you have completed a day for Mia," Grace says. Some time while Mia was working, you had decided to take a nap and are still asleep. You wake up, startled when you hear the computer's voice.

You sit up in the chair and stretch. "That," you say, rubbing your eye, "was so boring."

The A.I. is silent for a moment. "What is the problem? You did what you were assigned."

"You should change that," you reply. You usually don't respond that way to anyone—or thing—like that, but you were just woken up from the best nap you have ever had.

You turn on your phone. It's nine. Usually, you would be confused about why it's so late, but you're so tired that you dismiss it and instead focus on your growling stomach. Maybe your friend is still at a restaurant and you can meet them there.

"Thanks for letting me play." You wave at the computer. You yawn and let your arm fall next to your side. "I'll give your game a three out of ten. A three for the realistic graphics."

The computer doesn't respond. For all you know, it never did. You're just so tired that it seems plausible. You have to admit, though, a human-like Siri is ridiculous.

Congratulations! You just got the BORING ending! Go back to "1. Morning" in order to try again!

Ending: 1/19

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