25. Listen to Linda

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"You're right, we're so sorry for staying so long," Mia tells Linda. "We'll be going now."

Linda thanks her and goes back into her office. Mia turns off her computer and collects all of her stuff. Terry stands up. He doesn't have anything to grab, so he stuffs his hands in his pockets. He doesn't turn off his computer.

"Have a good night, Terry," Mia says.

"Wait, are you going—"

"I'll think about it," she quickly replies. "Good night."

Mia leaves the office and gets in her car. As she's putting her stuff down, she sees Terry get inside his car. All the lights in the building turn off. Linda doesn't appear. Weird, Mia thinks, maybe she's still packing up.

Mia doesn't worry too much about it. She starts her car and drives away.

When she gets home, she sets all of her stuff down and falls on her bed. All of the energy she had throughout the day disappears. Benjamin hops on the bed and sits next to Mia, rubbing his head against her excitedly.

She laughs. "I know I'm late, I'm sorry." She gets back up to feed him. Afterward, she goes right back to her mattress. She stares up at the ceiling. Should she go to bed? She still has work tomorrow, and it's getting late. If she goes to sleep now she can still get proper sleep and feel refreshed tomorrow.

She's already been up for so long, though, and her eyes are refusing to close. She can use this time to instead catch up on Stranger Things. When will she be this motivated to watch a show again? Probably not until next week.

Either idea seems like a good one. She doesn't mind doing either one. However, one idea seems better than the other. She decides...

To Go to Bed ... Chapter 23

To Stay up Late ... Chapter 24

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