trente: skater

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Wednesday. Two-thirty pm. It was last period, Annie and Asher had a class together but they skipped. They were gonna call her father. She was risking herself but she always kept in mind that everything happens for a reason.

They were sitting behind the bleachers, Annie let out a breath as Asher dialed the number in.

"Annie, you sure about this?" He asked her. "I don't really care anymore." He shrugged.

She nodded, "It's okay, just call the number"

He called the number and put it on speaker a woman picked up the phone a few rings later.

"Hello?" She questioned. "Who's this?"

Annie bit her lip nervously as she looked at Asher, "Is this Natasha Angel?" Annie questioned.

"I do not go by Natasha Angel anymore. Who is this?" She asked sternly over the phone.

"Are you with Mr.LeBlanc?" Annie asked once again. They both had agreed that Annie would do the talking.

"He is my husband. Who are you and what why are you calling his number?" She asked once again. Asher was pretty positive that it was his mother. Her voice sounded familiar. "What's you're name?" She demanded.

Annie widened her eyes at Asher, signalling to her a name. He knitted his eyebrows putting his shoulders up.

"Tell me or I hang up." She demanded over the phone.

Asher gestured her to continue talking and she raised a brow. They should've definitely thought this out before.

"Skater." Annie let out a breath. "Uh my name's skater." She said to which Asher gave her a certain look. Millions of names and she couldn't choose a normal one.

"Skater?" Natasha scoffed, "Okay. Now what do you want again?"

Annie let out a silent breath of relief, "Mr.LeBlanc has a meeting with us this Saturday, We want to check if he's still free" She said.

"Yes. We're free on Saturday." She answered.

"121 Kansas Street right?" Annie questioned, her old home. She hated it.

"Correct." She answered sternly.

Asher and Annie smiled softly. They did it. "Alright, see you on Saturday." She said and hung up.

She let out a breath of relief and jumped, "We did it!" She laughed, giving him a high-five .

"You did it—and skater? out of all the names you could've chosen you said skater!?"

"Shut up. I panicked okay?" She rolled her eyes and nudged him.

Asher chuckled, "Okay Skater" He teased her.

Just as the bell rang she glared at him. "Let's go before people start suspecting anything." She said as they walked back to the front gate.

"You guys are early," Asher commented as they walked towards the group.

"We had Physics, Mr.Victor fell asleep" Josh laughed.

"Where we're you both?" Johnny asked.

"We had a class together?" Asher shrugged.

"And you guys walked from the field?" Johnny raised a brow.

Annie slowly gripped Johnny's arm, "I just had to stop by the locker room." She lied, she hated lying to him.

She thought that after Asher reunites with his mother and they talk it out, they'll tell the others because they didn't really know how this situation was going to go.

"Mrs.Grey said she's gonna give us a test tomorrow" Jack groaned. "I was planning to go to a party!" 

"Since when do you care about grades?" Josh chuckled.

"Um, I need to get into a college dipshit." Jack rolled his eyes.

Asher scoffed, "Which Ivy League are you planning to go to?" He joked.

"Y'all suck." Jack deadpanned as he stomped towards the car.

They all laughed as they followed him.

"I'm driving by the way!" Jack smirked.

"No way in hell." Asher rolled his eyes as he pulled the keys from Jack.

Annie was sitting opposite Johnny, her laptop in front of her. She twirled her hair holding a pen against her bottom lip as she looked through her homework.

They were currently at his treehouse since Johnny didn't have homework, he was doing what teenagers are most fond of doing nowadays, he was on his phone.

She looked up from her the screen and looked at Johnny. His hair was parted in the middle while he was biting the corner of his lip, Annie had noticed that he used to do that a lot. It was one of his obvious habits.

She was just looking at him without even realizing it. He glanced at her and noticed that she was staring, "What?" He laughed, his eyebrows furrowing a little and of course, a smirk dangling off the side of his face like always.

She rolled her eyes playfully and smiled, "Nothing."

"Tell me" He laughed as he leaned over and pulled her on the bed.

"Johnnyyy I need finish my homework-" She giggled, her pen slipping away from her hand.

"Eh, I think its time for you to spend time with me." He said as he hovered on top of her, his hands traveling down her arm.

"Is it really?" She smirked.

He rolled his eyes, "Duh." He said as he kissed her. She kissed him back just quickly, if anything she kissed him back harder. His hand reached up to her cheek as she relaxed under his touch.

She pulled away, "You're such a flirt." She laughed, giving him yet another kiss.

"I'm the Flirt here?" He raised a brow but then laughed. "What about a date on Saturday?" He grinned.

She wanted to say yes but then remembered about her plans with Asher. Her whole mood changed, she didn't like lying to him at all.

"I have to study..I have a test on Monday." She sighed as she sat up, "What about Sunday?" She asked.

He nodded and smiled, "Mhm, Alright."


stan johnny orlando pls 🤚🏻
he literally is the most respectful and genuine person ever.

also i was on his live and when he said "happy birthday caleb" i went 💘🥺💖🤝💞😌🦋

and stan kenzie too 😌🤝

and does anyone think that irl asher acting different—he's being petty by changing his thumbnail and shit,, lowkey think he's trying to make annie "jealous" but she's so unbothered like- queen.

+ he just got out of a relationship and i don't think it's COMPLETELY RESPECTFUL to make a music video so tOuChy with a girl but you do you asher ✨

i've written chapters upto 33 and now i've got writers block, I REALLY HOPE IT GOES AWAY or i'll probably loose interest in this story and scrap it 💀 help.

well have a good day/night 🦋

- c

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