The Demons

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It had been 2 weeks since Kaylee has come back it was all back to normal until we ran into a group of Demons. Now let me tell you it was pretty bad and now here we are tied up in a cellar, we have been for 2 days. I know what you’re thinking ‘why couldn’t Cas zap us out?’ well the Demons put sigils all over the walls that made Cas’s powers hopeless.

Suddenly there were footsteps on the stairs, I looked over to my brothers in panic, the Demon’s had already tortured and harmed all of us and we don’t know why. “Well, well, well look at all the Winchesters tied up and hopeless I’d think that you would be fighting and shouting” A demon named Carrie sneered.

I glared at her “gurl, we might have a plan” I said with sass.

Carrie walked over to me with a smirk on her face, she brought out a knife “well I guess until your plan works we’ll have to improvise” Carrie sneered and then slid the knife against my cheek, deep.

I bit my lip to prevent myself from screaming in pain, Dean and Sam were practically pulling as hard on their chains as they could to get to Carrie and kill her. I shook my head at them, I looked back at Carrie and smirked “you’ll have to do better than that sweet cheeks” I said sassily back.

Carrie smirked and stabbed me into the stomach but not deep enough to kill me, at this I had to scream, I screamed bloody murder. “You get away from her” a deep voice yelled and since I was slipping in and out of consciousness it took me awhile to find out who it was. I soon realized it was none other than Castiel, I looked up to see Carrie bring out an angel blade as she walked over to Cas “okay angel boy your turn” she said maliciously.

My eyes widened in shock as she raised the blade and did the same thing she did to me to Castiel “YOU STINKING PILE OF CRAP YOU GET AWAY FROM HIM” I yelled with as much force and anger I could.

Carrie looked back at me and realization lit up her features, “oh I’m going to have fun with you two” she said smiling evilly.

Dean had narrowed his eyes “why would you when I would be so much more fun to torture” he said trying to get her away from Cas and I.

Carrie turned to Dean “are you that blind Winchester? There is obviously love in between these two” she said smirking and looking at us.

Sam and Dean looked at each other

“what do you mean?” I asked looking at Carrie, I mean yeah I might

have a little crush on Cas and would do anything for him.

She smirked and looked at me “you and the angel are obviously in love and neither of you even relies it” she laughed.

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