Will You be My Girlfriend for Two Weeks?

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(Adrien's pov)

After Marinette went home I stayed at the cafe thinking over our encounter. As soon as I saw her my heart stopped. Her ripped jeans perfectly displayed her curves, and her off the shoulder crop top showed off her smooth stomach. Her bluebell eyes looked like the ocean. I could get lost in them forever. And her midnight blue hair hung loosely around her face frame. She looked gorgeous. But while I wanted to keep thinking about how beautiful she was, the way she reacted to my question about a past boyfriend and her having the sudden urge to puke kept nagging in the back of my brain. Why did she flinch when I tried to stop her coughing fit? Is her puking related to something I said about Lila?

I felt like there was something more to her. Maybe something that had happened in the past. My gut was telling me it had to do with her ex, and it also told me it wasn't a great story.

(Marinette's pov)

I woke up about three hours after I fell asleep. I checked the time on my phone. Seven missed calls. I unlock it to see who they were from. 5 of them were from my parents and two from Adrien. I decide to call them back later. I go to brush my teeth from my earlier episode, and stay in my comfy clothes.

 I go to brush my teeth from my earlier episode, and stay in my comfy clothes

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(These are her comfy clothes)

I hear the doorbell ring and I hurry to answer the door. It's Adrien. When I open the door, he's about to speak when he sees my outfit. His eyes scan my body up and down. I blush.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Also, how did you get my address?" I ask.

"Oh, your parents gave it to me after I texted them that I wanted to check up on you since you didn't answer any of their or my calls." Of course they would give him my address, should have known.

"Well, would you like to come in?" I open the door wider so he can step inside. His eyes scan my house.

"Nice place, its really big." I motion for him to sit on the couch.

"Thanks. So, would you like to watch a movie?" He nods.

"Sure which one?" I think for a minute before answering.

"How about.. To All the Boys I've Loved Before?" He smiles warmly at me and says yes. I go pop some popcorn and scoot next to him and get comfortable on the couch. The movie starts.

When Lara Jean and Peter start kissing during the hot tub scene, I feel Adrien looking at me. As I look at him I realize he's not just staring at my face... he's staring at my lips. I look away quickly. Towards the end of the movie I'm feeling cold so I curl up beside Adrien and his arm wraps around me. Mhmm his arms are so cozy and warm. Marinette, give in you know damn well deep inside you want this to be real. Stop fighting it. So I stop. I let my feelings get the better of me. But I'm still scared I'll regret it later.

After the movie ends, I ask Adrien if he would like to stay for dinner. To my surprise he says yes. I start cooking a lasagna and I feel his burning gazed in my back. I turn around.

"What?" I question.

"What do you mean what?" He says.

"Adrien don't play dumb your gaze is starting a fire up my back, what's up?" He shrugs.

"I don't know. Watching you doing anything while looking effortlessly beautiful is entertaining." I blush and smile at him. I walk over and ruffle his hair. He smiles back.

I go back to cooking and eventually the food is done. I plate everything and we sit at my dining table with our food. I watch him eat.

"What?" I grin at the question.

"I don't know. Watching you do anything while looking effortlessly handsome is entertaining." He laughs. It's music to my ears.

"I know you can't resist looking at me baby, glad you admitted it." I roll my eyes in amusement.

I take a bite of my lasagna and moan. He tenses.

"This is the best lasagna I've ever made!" I say excited.

"Yeah well, it may be the best but save that beautiful sound for our honeymoon." He smirks. I feel my face heat up. But then I remember what happened almost a year ago. I stop blushing.

Soon, we're done eating. I wash all the dishes and hear my phone chime. Its my mom. Me, your father, and Gabriel have decided that you two only get two weeks to get to know each other before Adrien proposes and we announce the engagement to the public. Marinette... don't mess this up. You know happens if you do. I show Adrien the text.

"Wow, your parents sound pretty harsh." He said.

"Yeah, only Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the 100% perfect daughter is worthy enough for them not Marinette Dupain-Cheng, the 10% perfect daughter." I sigh.

"Hey, look at me." I look at him. He grabs my hands. "It doesn't matter what they think, your perfect the way are and you always will be." My heart warms at those words. I was always told the opposite, but I knew he truly meant it.

"Since we're getting only two weeks before the engagement, I want to be in the girlfriend/boyfriend stage before that's over. So, Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng, will you be my girlfriend for two weeks?" I giggle.

"Of course Mr. Adrien Agreste, I would love to be your girlfriend for two weeks." We both laugh.

"Well girlfriend I'd love to stay but I've got some more paper work just dying for me to get home. See you tomorrow?" I nod. I walk him to the door and watch him drive off. I close the door.

After he leaves, I get ready for bed and drift off to sleep waiting for a new day to arrive and the first day of being Adrien Agreste's girlfriend.

1,004 words. Not too bad but it could be longer. I'm still kinda sucky with the detail thing, but hey I'm trying. Trying counts right? RIGHT? What do you think Marinette means when she said she was always told the opposite? What could have happened in her past for her to be surprised Adrien thinks she's perfect the way she is? And what do you think went down with her ex? Adrien is suspicioussssss. Let me know if you have any suggests for what should happen next, or just feel free to correct me on any mistakes or typos I missed.

-Lots of love, Lanie🌸

P.s: No P.s info this time😉

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