The Wedding

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(Adrien's pov)

I could feel Marinette staring at me as I read the note over and over. After I picked her, we came back to my house and she got some sleep. It was now the next morning. I was currently pacing the room thinking.

"Adrien, I'm scared." I look over at her. She's shaking. I've never seen her so terrified.

"Hey, I got you, it's going to be okay nothing is going to happen." I say as I sit next to her and pull her into my arms.

"I'm going to have security tripled at our wedding just in case, and I'll have some bodyguards placed to watch you at all times." Marinette nods her head.

"Try not to think about it Mari. Your sleeping over at Alya's tonight since tomorrow is the wedding and I know you guys were planning to get ready together."

"Okay, thanks for arranging that Adrien. I totally forgot we were doing that." She tells me.

"No problem." I kiss her forehead. "You should get ready to go if you want to spend the day with her." She goes back upstairs to back her clothes that she brought over last night.

I had the dress and flowers redirected to be delivered to Alya's house early this morning so she wouldn'thave to go back to her place to get them.

I sigh, holding my head in my hands. Everything is a mess. I'm really worried. Marinette's safety isn't guaranteed and that's freaking me out. Even with 100 bodyguards it's not guaranteed. Who knows what that guy is capable of or what he'll do just to get what he wants.

(Marinette's pov)

I give Adrien a quick kiss as I exit his car. Waving bye, I walk up to Alya's doorstep and she invites me in. She gives me a tight hug.

"Everything is gonna be fine Marinette."

"I know, but I don't want to focus on that right now. I want to think about us spending the day together and the wedding, alright?" Alya nods her head in agreement.

"We need to get you a manicure for tomorrow can't have your nails looking dry now can we?" She says dragging me out to her car.

"But I just got here! Can't I unpack first?"

"Fine, but hurry up!" I roll my eyes.

We got our nails done and went out to eat later in the day. Right now, it was 10pm.

I pause the movie we were watching.

"Hey Alya?"


"I'm nervous about tomorrow." I tell her. "What if I mess up my vows, or I accidentally say I don't, or my dress doesn't get here on time?"

"Girl, calm down! You don't need to worry about all that stuff, I'm your best friend nothing goes wrong under my watch. Besides it's normal to be nervous for your wedding but after, you'll realize you had no reason to worry."

"Wow, I didn't know you give such great advice." She punches me in the arm.

"I was joking!"

The Next Morning

"MARINETTE WAKE UP! TODAY IS THE WEDDING!"  The voice wakes me up and I fall out of bed.

"Geez Alya, I may as well have asked you to blow a trumpet in my ear gosh." I say, getting off the floor.

"I'll take that as a 'Thank you for waking me up on the most important day of my life instead of letting me sleep in and miss the wedding.' Your welcome."

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