I Love You, Always And Forever

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(Marinette's pov)

I was currently emptying the contents of my lunch into the toilet. 'That was the third time today..' I thought. After flushing and rinsing my mouth out, I went back to my desk at work. Adrien had a errand to run so he didn't know of my constant puking yet.

I decided to call Alya to see what she thought of it. The phone rang twice before she picked up.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey Alya!"

"Oh hey girl, what's up?"

"I haven't been feeling good lately and I've even thrown up more times than I woukd have liked today, do you think I might be sick or something? I don't know if it's serious so I wanted to call and get your opinion." I said.

"Marinette, there is no way your sick!"

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"Ugh, Marinette it's quite obvious your pregnant!" Alya exclaimed.

"W-what? You think I'm pregnant?"

"I mean you have all the symptoms. I'm just saying girl, you should go to the doctor just to be sure."

"Okay.. thanks Alya. Bye!"

I hung up the phone call and made an additional one to the doctor's office to make an appointment for later. I asked for a time that was on my lunch break so if Adrien got back before then, he won't be suspicious. Don't get me wrong, I want him to know what's going on but I don't want to get his hopes up either. For all I know it could just be a really bad bug.

About thirty minutes later, it was time for my appointment and Adrien had just walked back into our shared office.

"Hey Princess." He says, kissing my forehead.

"Hey Adrien. I'm going to take my lunch break I'll be back in about an hour, okay?" I tell him.

"But I just got back." He whined.

"I know. Sorry baby, but I'm hungry. I'll be back later. Bye!"


I grab my purse and take the elevator downstairs. Walking out to my car, I get in and start up making my way to the doctor's office.

Once I get there, I check in with the person at the front desk who shows me to Dr. Fern's room which is my doctor.

"Hello Marinette! What are you here for today?" She asks me.

"Hi Dr. Fern! I wanted to take a test to see if I was pregnant. I would have just got a pregnancy test but those aren't always completely accurate so I wanted to be absolutely sure."

"Of course! I'll have to take a blood test to find out."


She takes a needle and pokes it into my arm drawing about four tubes of my blood.

"I'm going to go get these checked right away since your probably feeling anxious."

After a while, she comes back into the room.

"The tests came back positive! Congratulations Marinette, your pregnant!" The doctor tells me.

I sit in shock. I'm actually pregnant! I feel so happy but.. how am I going to tell Adrien? I thank the doctor and head back to work.

"You were gone a little bit longer than you said." Adrien says as I walk back into our office.

"Uh, yeah I um decided to get more to eat." I lie.

Adrienette: An Arranged MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now