She's Gone

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(Adrien's pov)

I want to yell, throw things, let out my anger. It's been two days and I'm going crazy. I went back to Paris and called Nino, Alya, and our parents explaining to them what happened. We're all currently sitting in my office discussing what we should do.

"The thing we need to do, is find out where he took her. Did she have her phone on her Adrien?" My dad asks.

"When we went sightseeing I saw her tuck it in the back of her skirt." I say.

"Good, Nino, your good at technical equipment. Can you try to track her phone?"

"I can try." Nino gets on the computer typing things before he gives an answer.

"It looks like they went some abandoned warehouse in New York." He informs us.

"Are you kidding me! All the way out there! It will take us hours to get out there!" I yell in frustration.

"Why would he take her all the way out there?" Alya asks.

"That's where he proposed." Tom says.

"Wait, he proposed to her?" We all ask.

"Why didn't she tell me?" I wonder.

"I don't know, maybe she just didn't want to mention it. A few days after they were engaged, he wanted to plan their wedding as soon as possible, so while he was out making arrangements, she left him a break up note and ran away." Her mom explains.

"Well, we need not waste anymore time. Adrien, we need to come up with a plan to get Marinette back and fast." My father said.

I think for a minute.

"I'll call in extra guards and backup. I'm also having the police come with us so he will be arrested on spot." I pause before continuing, "Nino and I will drive in a separate car to New York. Are any if you coming along?"

"Of course I'm coming Adrien, she's my best friend like hell I wouldn't go." Said Alya.

"Me too." Says Nino.

"Dad, I think you should stay here. You too Mr. and Mrs. Dupain-Cheng. I know you want to help your daughter but I don't want to risk him using you. While your here, you can collect the evidence I'll provide for you against Luka to make sure he is arrested on spot. Okay?"

They all nod is agreement.

Nino looks at me. "What's the plan for when we get there."

"We should get there by tomorrow evening if we leave in the morning. I'm going inside the warehouse to find Marinette. The police will wait outside surrounding the building in the case he tries to escape. Nino you'll be with me."

"Um, hello? What about me?" Alya asks looking annoyed.

"You'll be outside updating Tom and Sabine. She wouldn't forgive me if something happened to you so I want you to stay safe. Everyone got it?"

I hear murmurs of yes across the room.

"We leave in the morning. No later."

Okay I know this chapter is really short, please forgive me. Also I'm really sorry I haven't updated in so long I didn't know I was going to be that busy. I wanted to update you guys to let you know but I forgot I had already started writing this chapter and I didn't want to delete it. As a sorry for the short chapter/sorry for not updating/thank you for 1,000 reads the next chapter will be posted later tonight.

-Lots of Love, Lanie🌸

P.s. Not proofread, let me know of any mistakes you notice love you babes

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