I'm Scared/ Tomato Boy Is Back

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{Next week I'll be pretty busy so I'm not sure when I'll be able to update. If I don't end up updating don't worry I'll be back after. Also I wasn't planning on updating today but I'm really excited to start the next two chapters, so here you go :) What do you think the next two chapters are about?}

(Marinette's pov)

Nathaniel and Adrien were currently having a stare off. I sighed, my ex just doesn't give up. (This isn't the him ex. Her and Nathaniel only dated for a week) And I know for a fact if he doesn't give up, I have to give in.

"Nathaniel, if we talk will you leave us alone?"

"Alright fine. I just really need to talk to you it's important." I wonder what could be so important he needs to interrupt our engagment celebration.

"Okay then, start talking."

"Uh, privately?" I really don't feel like dealing with this right now, I huff.

"Whatever you need to talk about you can say it in front of Adrien." Adrien gives a nod in agreement and I roll my eyes.

"Fine. But I told you I wanted to speak in private so he better not attack me." I raise my eyebrows in confusion. "Marinette... I want you back." I hear Adrien growl.

"Nathaniel we only dated for a week in high school. You still haven't got over it yet? I told you I wasn't in love with you." I place my hand on Adrien's thigh to calm him down and he relaxes.

"But Mari-"

"Don't call her that." Adrien states dryly. Nathaniel glares at him.

"Can you please leave now? Your kinda ruining the moment." I say.

"Yeah whatever, but I'm not giving up on you just yet." He walks away. I let out a stressed sigh.

"Is he for real?" Adrien asks.

"Yup, Nathaniel never gives up until he gets what he wants. That's why I ended up dating him. I never liked him, but he would always pester me asking if we can go out sometime and it got on my nerves so much I finally gave in. I ended it after a week because he was so obsessed with me. He wanted to know where I was at all times, eventually I got tired of it." He blows out a breath.

"Wow, some kinda guy he is."

During the rest of the party we eat, interact with some old friends, and answer some questions from the paparazzi. I let Alya and Nino take the limo I rented home so I can ride with Adrien. He walks me to his limo and opens the door for me. I slide into the seat. He walks around and gets in on the other side. He signals for the driver to head to my house.

"So, how do you plan on getting Nathaniel to stop bothering you?" I shrug.

"I could try ignoring him but that won't last for the long so my best shot is making sure he understands that we are never getting back together."

Soon, we are in front of my house. I give Adrien a quick good night kiss and I'm about to walk inside when I see a bouquet of flowers with a note. I'm going to get you back eventually. Just give me chance now, please?

"How the hell did he get my address!" I see Adrien getting outside the car and coming over to me. He must have been waiting for to get inside before pulling off.

"What's wrong?" I show him the note and flowers.

"Do you wanna stay at my place tonight? I know I wouldn't be comfortable with an obsessed ex knowing where I live."

"No, I think I'll be fine. I'm just gonna sleep on it tonight." I tell him.

"Okay, but call me if you need anything no matter what time it is in the night." I nod and head inside. I see the limo drive off.

I change into my pajamas and am about to get in bed when I hear a door jiggling. I freeze. I quietly grab my phone and check the time. 12:58am. There's no way someone would come by that late at night. Now I'm scared. I turn the brightness down on my phone and call Adrien as fast as I can.

"Hello?" I hear groggy voice asking.

"Adrien, I'm scared. Someone's trying to break in can you-" I feel someone wrapping their hand around my mouth, my phone drops and I scream.

"Marinette? Marinette! Shit." The figure moves to end the call. They take a rope and tie my hands together sitting me on the sofa in my bedroom. The light flicks on and I see it's Nathaniel.

"Nathaniel what the hell! Why did you break into my house? Let me go!" I shout and try to wiggle free.

"Marinette, I love you. And I'm going to keep you here until you love me too." He has obviously always been dumb. Adrien will know I'm in trouble, call the police and literally break the speed limit trying to get here. I just need to stall until that happens.

(Adrien's pov)

I'm running out to my car as fast as my legs will go. If Marinette hadn't been so stubborn, she wouldn't be in danger right now. Nathaniel seems pretty weak so I know he won't be able to do much damage but I still fear she'll get hurt if I don't get there in time. I start up the car and nearly hit my garbage bin at the end of my driveway trying to pull out. As I speed to her house I dial the police. I tell them Marinette's address and what's happening.

Hold on Mari. I think as I get stopped by a red light. As soon as it turns green I speed off again. I pull into her drive, open the door, and run out. I see the front door ajar and growl. I hear some voices up in he bedroom and then a banging noise. The noise motives my legs to move at an inhumane speed. I barge into her bedroom and see Nathaniel shouting at her. Her eyes move to mine. I put a finger up to my mouth telling her to be quiet. She takes the hint and continues stalling him.

"Nath look, there are plenty of other fish in the sea," I creep closer behind him. "for example, what about Chloe Bourgeois? Didn't you like her at one point? You could always try to reconnect with her." The more she says the more I creep up to him.

"But she's not you Marinette!" Right as he finishes his sentence I press the buttons on his neck letting him fall to unconsciousness. I run over to Marinette asking her if she's okay.

"I'm fine. I knew he wouldn't hurt me I just needed to keep him talking until you got here."

"Now will you go home with me? I don't feel comfortable leaving you here by yourself." She nods. I hear police sirens outside and hear them coming up the stairs. I point to Nathaniel on the ground and they cuff him taking him away. Marinette packs a few clothes before leaving with me back to my house.

Once we got to my house I show her the guest room she's sleeping in. I say goodnight. I am about to leave when I remember something.

"Hey Mari, I meant to tell you earlier but I was wondering if you wanted to go to the beach this weekend? We can at this private beach house I own.
You don't have to but-" I get cut off.

"I would love to Adrien. But, would you mind staying here with me? I don't really wanna be in here by myself." I smile, grabbing some blankets. I get settled on the couch in the room.

"Goodnight Adrien, love you."

"Goodnight Mari.. I love you too."

1,359 words! Another day another chapter. How was it this time? Poor Tomato Boy he just wanted some lovin 😔. See you in the next update!

-Lots of Love, Lanie🌸

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