Right When I Mention Him, He's Back!

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(Marinette's pov)

Gee, I wish it was still the weekend. I think to myself as I stare at the desk load of paperwork in front of me. Me and Adrien came back home yesterday after a long weekend vacation. I ended up getting my tan after Adrien finally stopped forcing me to swim with him everytime we went to the beach. We had lots of fun, but now it's back to work.

"Don't forget we're going to tour that house after work Mari." He reminds me from across the room.

Me and Adrien decided to look for houses when we got back yesterday afternoon since the wedding is soon and we would need to be moving in together afterwards. We both decided on this one house that we liked and are supposed to be touring it today at 4:00pm.

 We both decided on this one house that we liked and are supposed to be touring it today at 4:00pm

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The house is located in a safe, quiet neighborhood that's perfect for the two of us. It's also big enough for when we're ready to start our own little family. I smile at the thought of having kids with Adrien.

The wedding is next week so our parents have been doing tons of preparing. They're doing the guest list, as usual. After the house tour, I'm going with Alya to pick out my bouquet, the bridemaids dresses, and my wedding dress. Adrien is going with Nino to get his suit. Today is going to be full of activities.

-3 Hours Later-

"Alright, you ready to go?" Adrien asks grabbing his car keys. I nod and we walk out the door.

I put in the directions to the house on my phone and set it in the cup holder. Within a few minutes, we're at the house.

"At least it's close to work." I say.

"Mhm, the guy said we can just walk in and look around. He gave me the keys." Me and Adrien walk inside the house.

The entry way has a high ceiling with a grand staircase. The kitchen is an open space connecting to the living room. There are 5 bedrooms, with 4 baths. There's a basement that would be perfect as a play space for our future kids. Woah, slow down Marinette. Wedding first, right? Right. I tell my brain.

In the backyard there is a pool, a grilling area, and other open land spaces left for us to fill in.

"I think this is perfect for us Mari. What do you think?"

"I agree. It's a nice space for a growing family." Did I just say that at loud?

"I-I mean that is if you would want to uh-" He cuts me off.

"Marinette, I would love to have kids with you." We smile at each other. I reach up and peck him on the lips.

"I'll talk to the seller and let him know we want the house. It's already move in ready, so we should be able to move in a few days after the wedding."

We leave, and Adrien drops me off at home. Just as I get in the door, my phone rings.

"Hey Alya!" I answer.

"Hey girly! What time will you be ready?"

"I should be ready in like 10 minutes. Meet you there in 20?"

"Yup, that sounds good. Meet you there."

I hang up the call and get ready to go with Alya. After I'm ready, I drive to the Wedding boutique where I'm supposed to meet her. I walk into the store, where I see her talking to one of the employees.

"Marinette, they just got a new selection of wedding dresses in! You have to see them they're so gorgeous!" She says in excitement.

I laugh and the girl working there shows us to their wedding dresses. I'm browsing through the option when Alya comes up to me.

"They have the perfect dress for you, it would look amazing! Come try it on!" She drags me away to see it.

The dress is beautiful. It has lace sleeves with an embroidery from the waist line up. The skirt part is silky and flowy. It's just right. I try the dress on to make sure the size is right, and then pay for it. They'll have it delivered to me the morning of the wedding so I don't mess it up before then.

The next thing we look at is bridesmaids dresses and have Alya decide which one would look the best since she's demanded to take charge in the fashion department for the wedding. After I've had the dresses selected the next shop we go to is the flower shop. I want a bouquet that's colorful but not too bright so I know they'll have just what I want.

Once we go inside, the scent of fresh flowers hit me. I look around deciding what combination of flowers I want included in the bouquet. I finally go with pink and white roses, and a few other kinds I thought would look good together. I place the order. We're finally done with the preparations.

Me and Alya say our goodbyes and spilt up going our separate ways. I call Adrien and let him know we're done shopping.

"Hey Adrien, me and Alya are done shopping. Did you and Nino get yours done?" I ask.

"Yeah, it took us a while though he couldn't decide what color tux we should have gotten." I laugh.

"We'll I'm glad you got what you wanted. Did you make it home?"

"Yeah, I'm at home right now. Are you still driving?"

"I'm pulling into my driveway now." I get out the car and head inside my house.

I stay on the phone with Adrien while I cook dinner and get ready for bed. I'm about to hang up when I see a note on my bed.

Hello, Sweetie. Did you miss me? Don't worry I'll be back soon to get you. Don't go hiding anywhere again. We wouldn't want anything bad happen now would we?

Xoxo, Luka

My mouth drops open. I feel terrified.

"Marinette? Are you there?"

"C-can you come pick me up? I'm not safe here."

"What? What do you mean your not safe?"

"L-luka, He's back. And he found me."

1,035 words. I'm sorry it's short babes but I'm going out of town for a funeral and I won't be back for a few days so I didnt wanna leave y'all hanging for that long. If your wondering about my update schedule, I update at least once a week. I try to do it two times a week but just know if I don't, I will at least once a week. I won't ever not update for a whole week unless I have a reason in which I'd let you guys know.

-Lots of Love, Lanie🌸

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