Her Ex Pt.2

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(⚠️ This chapter contains sensitive topics, please don't read this if your not comfortable.)

(Adrien's pov)

I feel confused as Marinette returns to the house to grab her swimsuit. She knew we were coming to the beach, and she saw I had on my swim trucks, so why wouldn't she wear it? I shrug it off. I'm confused but, girls are girls.

She comes back wearing a black bikini with a dark blue wrap around cover up. She looks gorgeous.

"Come get in!" I yell at her.

"Uh, I think I'm gonna try to get a tan! No cold water for me yet!" I roll my eyes, though she can't see since I'm all the way out here. Such a staller. I think. I walk towards her.

"Come on Mari! It'll be fun!" I lift her up over my shoulders and run into in the water dragging her along with me.

"See? The water isn't that bad once you get in." She nods her head.

"I still wanna get my tan on, I'll get in in a minute." She walks back to her sun chair. It seems like she's trying to cover her legs, and that's when I see it. The scar on her leg that spells Mine. My blood starts boiling.

"Mari... what is that?" She laughs nervously.

"Uh, what?" I'm beginning to become frustrated.

"You know what I'm talking about." I state very dryly. I point to the scar. She sits down on the chair and I sit in one next to her.

"Marinette what is it? Where did that come from? Don't make me ask again." I press on further.

"You really wanna know?" Why won't she just tell me. My mind wonders.

"Yes Mari, who did that to you?" At first I wasn't thinking about a who, I just wanted to know what it was. But now that I think about it, it only could be a who. My eyes darken at the thought. I notice her taking a deep breath.

"My emotionally, sexually, and physically abusive ex, Luka Couffaine." My blood is boiling so hot, I feel sweat on my forehead.

"You were in an abusive relationship?" I ask. I'm trying to stay calm when I speak, but visibly I probably look an angry mama bear whose child just got cooked for dinner.

Marinette slowly nods. I don't what to think. I can't imagine someone as sweet and loving as Marinette would come from a dark past. I just want to kill this guy.

"Do you want to.. talk about it?"

Can we go back to the house? I-I'd rather discuss it there." I nod.

We walk back to the beach house. I grab a bottle of water from the fridge knowing she might need it, while she goes to sit on the couch. I sit beside her and hand the bottle of water to Marinette.

"Okay, I'm ready."

(Marinette's pov)

I take a shaky breath. I wanna tell Adrien about it, I really do but I feel scared.

"Mari, you don't have to-"

"No." I cut him off. "I need to talk about it. It might help me if I do." He nods.

"Me and Luka started dating 2 years ago. We dated for one year and seven months. That one year and seven months was torture." Adrien grabs my hand, holding it.

"At first, our relationship started out okay. We would go on picnic dates, hang out regularly, you know couple stuff. But soon, he started being controlling. And the abuse started."

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