Getting to Know Him

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(Adrien's pov)

I wake up and check the time. 8:24am. I send a quick text to Marinette asking her if she wants to go somewhere and get to know each other a little better. As I send the text I smile remembering that she's now my girlfriend. The thought makes me bounce around the mansion to get ready for the day. I shower, brush my teeth, fix my hair, and get dressed.

 I shower, brush my teeth, fix my hair, and get dressed

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(This is what Hot Stuff is wearing today)

I make a quick breakfast burrito and eat it on my way out to the car when I hear my phone ding. It's Marinette. Sure where do you wanna meet? I text back asking if she wants to meet at the park at 1. That sounds good see you there sunshine. I beam. I'm literally on the verge of doing a happy dance. Am I... in love?

I start up the engine of my car and head to work. I feel like 1pm is going come slower than I want it to.

(Marinette's pov)

I smile as I get up and get ready for work. And while I'm in the shower, I do sonething I haven't done in years. I sing in the shower. And I have this feeling that Adrien is the reason why. And I realize, I'm in love. I hop out the shower, brush my teeth, fix my hair, and get dressed.

 I hop out the shower, brush my teeth, fix my hair, and get dressed

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(This is Marinette's outfit minus the sweater part)

This time, I grab an apple from the fridge and head out to work. Once I get there I work on a few designs I want to start making when I hear a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I say.

"Hello Marinette." It's my mother. "How are things with you and Adrien?"

"They're going fine. We're going to meet in the park later to get to know each other some more." I let her know as I continue with my designs.

"That's good. I just wanted to see how it was going. I'll see you later, okay?"

"Yeah, bye mom!" She leaves my office and shuts the door.

The afternoon comes surprisingly quicker than I expected it to and soon it's 12:30pm. I organize the designs to come back to later. As I walk to the park I spot Adrien. He's sitting on a bench scrolling through his phone when his eyes meet mine. I walk over to him. His eyes wondering up and down my body as usual and says

"Marinette you need to stop wearing such revealing clothes before other boys start looking at you and I have to deal with them myself." He winks at me. Even though his words weren't hurtful, I still flinch remembering what I would hear constantly 7 months ago. Stop wearing such revealing clothes you slut. Nobody wants you away, your lucky I even set my eyes on you. He sneered. I shake my head back to reality.

"Mari, are you okay?" Adrien looks worried.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine just kinda dazed out I guess." My stomach growls. Adrien laughs hearing the noise and I blush as I sit next to him.

"What did you eat for breakfast? You sound pretty hungry to me." He smiles.

"I just had an apple." I say plainly.

"Mari, you need more than an apple to keep you going throughout the day. Why didn't you eat a bigger breakfast?" He asks with concern.

"Because I need to watch my weight." I mumble, but he hears it away. His eyes darken.

"Who the hell told that!" He shouts.

"Just forget it Adrien. It doesn't even matter, cause I know what I am." But I know fully well who said it, but I can't bring myself to say his name.

"Marinette look at me." I keep my gaze to the ground. "Marinette look at me." He says more sternly. I still don't meet his eyes. Suddenly I'm pinned to a tree out of sight from other people's view. "When I say look at me I mean it. Do you understand, or do I have to make you understand?" I slowly meet his gaze and bite my lip. I nod. It doesn't seem to satisfy him as he presses me harder againist the tree. "Use your words." He demands.

"Yes, I understand." I say.

"Good. Marinette your perfect. Your not fat and even if you were, you'd still be drop dead gorgeous. Your body is beautiful the way it is. Don't ever think you need to watch your weight. And for goodness sake, stop biting your lip before I can't control myself anymore."

I stop. But then out of habit do it again. He notices. He pins my hands above my head, and soon I feel his lips on mine kissing me passionately. I feel his tongue glide across my lower lip asking for entrance. Denied sunshine boy. He bites my lip and I gasp. I feel his smirk and his tongue enters my mouth molding with mine. We make out for a good 5 minutes before he pulls away.

He whispers in my ear. "I always get what I want Princess." His voice sends a shiver down my spine. (In a good way obviously) We walk back to the bench to continue our conversation. We talk for a while getting to know each other. Before we leave our separate ways, he makes me promise to eat a better breakfast. I do. Once I get back to work, I work on my designs and smile thinking about Adrien. I hear a ding and check my texts. Wanna go on our first official date tomorrow? I'll pick you up at 6? My smile can't get any wider. I text back. Yes, can't wait.

958 words. Shorter this time, but I didn't know what else to put in the story sorry. What are your thoughts?

-Lots of Love, Lanie🌸

P.s: Adrien was referring to her shoulders being all out which isn't revealing at all *cough* school dress code *cough* but I had to put something so there you go.

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