Uh, Help He's on One Knee!

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(Adrien's pov)

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I pick it up and I see it's Nino. I answer it.

"Yooo dude I haven't heard from you in like two weeks! You okay there buddy?" I chuckle.

"Yeah bro I'm fine I've just been distracted. My dad set me up for an arranged marriage so a lots been on my mind lately." I inform him.

"No way! Who's the girl? What's she like? Have you fallen in love with her or is she a snob?" I hear the smirk in his voice when he asks if I've fallen in love with her.

"Her name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. She's the owner of Marinette Originals, a designing company. She's super sweet and beauitful. And yeah... I'm in love with her. I confessed last night and she told me she loves me back." I beam at the memory.

"Hold up! You actually fell in love with her? What you living in, a Wattpad story?" We both laugh. (See what I did there😏)

"She's different than most girls, especially Lila. I feel horrible for not being there for her yesterday. She got catcalled and almost raped by this asshole that looked like he was almost thirty. I was walking by when he was moving to pull her top off. Nino what if I wasn't there? What would have happened to her? I really love her man, I can't imagine losing her. And the crazy thing is, she told me something like that's happened before." I hear Nino blow out a long breath as he takes in my words.

"Dude that's messed up. Don't about worry about what would have happened, just be glad you got there before he could get her clothes off." My blood boils at the thought. "Has she ever mentioned a crazy ex or something? Or maybe she was at a club and almost got raped? I dunno man."

"Well actually, when we first met I asked her if she had any boyfriends before all this happened her reaction was totally unexpected. She started having a coughing hit and eventually started choking. I tried to pat her on the back but she flinched so I moved my hand back." Nino seems to be thinking as there's a pause at the end of the line.

"Maybe her and her ex ended on bad terms or something? Maybe it's not even about her ex. Maybe the episode she had was because she was caught off guard? You might be over thinking this, but it's good to analyze every detail." His advice makes me feel a bit more comforted. What if it has doing to do with her ex and I was just overthinking it?

"Anyway, how are you things with you and Alya going?" I ask.

"They're going great! I proposed to her the other day!"

"That's so cool! When are you thinking the wedding will be?" Nino and Alya are the cutest couple besides me and Mari of course.

"We haven't planned all the details yet but we want it to be soon." Me and Nino talk for a while before I let him know I have to work. After I get dressed, I hear my phone chime.

 After I get dressed, I hear my phone chime

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