Part Nine | Encounter with the Unknown

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Rolling right along! Sorry for the wait everyone.


‘Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!’ flailing, you find yourself unceremoniously dumped from the villain's portal in a dilapidated building and groan from your harsh meeting with the floor. A sudden, heavy force slams into your back and you curse as you throw a glance behind you.

“Watch where you're falling, dammit- Wait, Kirishima?!” you frown as the red head all but scrambles off you with a yelp.

“L/n! I'm so sorry, I didn't even see you!” Kirishima offers his hand and you stare at it for a moment before letting out a soft sigh.

“It's fine...Guess we got dumped here together then...” you force yourself to your feet, dusting your thighs as Kirishima's hand falters before dropping to his side. “Sorry...I just can't touch people because of my quirk...” you mutter, massaging your left shoulder as you look around the room. Broken glass littered the floor, tiles were missing, the walls were cracked or chipped and the ceiling was in shambles. ‘Thirteen really went all out creating this place, didn’t they...’

“Oh, right...I remember you kind of mentioned that during All Might’s training...” Eijiro replies thoughtfully before his gaze drifts to your shoulder. The skin there had already gained dark bruising and splotches, making a bolt of guilt run through him. ‘Was that because of me...?’

“Hey, your shoulder...” he starts but you wave him off with a thin smile.

“I'll be fine.” you were decidedly not going to be fine.

It hurt like a bitch.

Nothing was broken or dislocated but from the pain rippling up and down your arm, it might as well be.

“That villain wasn’t exactly careful when he teleported us but don't worry. It looks worse than it is.” you glance out one of the broken windows and manage to spot what you assumed to be the work of the same portal villain. He'd amassed a large dome where you all previously were atop the staircase. “We need to be alert though...This place might be crawling with enemies.”

Eijiro sighed. “I guess you're right...We gotta find the others though-” as the words left his lips, a terrifying explosion rocked the building and you both scrambled for stability. Glancing at the red head, he mirrored your expression.

You both knew only one person who makes explosions.

“Trust him to be the one tearing the damn building down...” you scoff, trying to avoid jostling your arm as you and Kirishima hustle down the stairs. The red head huffs beside you with a bit of humor in his voice.

“Would he be Bakugou if he wasn’t?” he smirked and you gave a barely there snort in return.

“Guess not.” another explosion boomed, decidedly closer this time and you knew the angry Chihuahua was somewhere nearby. “Let's go before he really does take this place down with us in it.”


“Is that all you weaklings got!?” Katsuki bellows, sparks crackling in his hands as he stands itching to let another explosion off. He stood surrounded by villains but with how they were dropping like flies around him, the blond wasn’t worried in the least.

“What the hell is this kid!?”

“He's just one brat!”

“A brat that's kicking your asses!” Bakugou cackled, dodging a man with blades protruding from his forearms along with another charging him with a bo staff. “You villains are pathetic!” he grins, letting off another explosion smack dab in the blade guy's face before grabbing his neck and whipping him into the staff wielder. He sent the two, both already knocked out, to the floor with a grin.

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