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S: yeah
She came up and gave me a hug
The nurse came in
Nurse: dose she remember or do you still need time
S: no I remember everything well
Nurse: ok well your welcome to go home but your going to have to take it easy your going to be out of school for a couple of days
S: yay
Nurse: but that doesn't mean going out and stuff
S: not like I can anyways
Nurse: ok well you may leave
She walked out and they helped me get up avani helped me get changed into the clothes Kio got me. in the bathroom and then we headed off to the house

When we got there all I smelt was alcohol when we walked in they help me down the stairs to my room luckily the second floor didn't really smell like alcohol as much they got me in my bed
G: call us if you need anything
S: I will
Av: and you can call me I live like 2 or 1 minutes away
S: ok
Everyone: goodnight love you
S: love you goodnight
They walked out and shut my door

It's been like a hour and I haven't went to sleep I try but I can't I grabbed my phone and looked through it I saw that I had a text from Tayler

Tayler 🥰
He I heard what happened or you ok

Delivered at

Yeah I can't sleep

Tayler 🥰
Oh think god you answered I was starting to
get worried

I'm good

Can I come over

I don't think griffin would like a boy coming over at 1 am

He doesn't have to know

I guess

Ok be there in 10


I was just thinking and looking up at the calling then I heard someone come in my room I looked and it was Tayler I smiled and held out my arms asking for a hug he closed the door and gave me a hug
T: I missed you
S: it's been like 5 hours
T: but I still missed you
He looked up at me and gave me a small peck on the lips I smiled I scooted over and he laid beside me I put my head on his chest and my leg over his he smiled and kissed the top of my head gentle
T: at least your going to have a cool scare
S: your an idiot
T: yeah ok
He put on a movie and I soon fell asleep

I woke up to someone shaking me I look up and it was Tayler.
T: hey I'm going to head out
S: ok what time is it
T: like five
S: ok bye
T: bye
He kissed my forehead and left I went back to sleep

I woke up again around 9 having to go pee. I got up and my head shoot with pain
I sat back down and just tried to get it to stop hurting I groaned loudly as josh came into the room
Jh: are you ok
S: n-no my my head is hur-hurting
Jh: do you want me to get you some pills or something
S: n-no I'm good just just help me to the bathroom
Jh; yeah
He grabbed my arm I squeezed his hand when pain shoot through my whole body I groaned again and felt tears in my eyes I squeezed them shut
Jh: are you sure you don't need anything
S: yeah
We were walking slowly to the bathroom every step I made it hurt
Jh: skye you need medicine
S: no I don't
Jh: yes you do
S: just get me to the bathroom
We made it to the bathroom
Jh: I'm going to to be out here tell me when your ready to come out
S: yeah
I closed the door and did my business and opened the door josh got up and helped me to my bed
Jh: take those
He said pointing to my night Stan I looked over and seen some pills and a glass of water
S: yeah no
Jh: just take them
S: why
Jh: stand up
S: no
Jh: and why
S: because.....
jh: I'm waiting
S: fine
I grabbed them and put them in my mouth and grabbed the water and took a sip of it and swallowed the pills
Jh: open you mouth
I open mouth and moved my tongue around
Jh: ok good well I'm going to cook breakfast want some
S: no I'm good
Jh: oh well 
He walked out the room then I got a face time call I looked at it is was tray and I answered it


Hey why aren't you at school
I was at the park last night this man came up started talking to me I didn't feel comfortable so I tried to walk away but he grabbed my wrist started to pull me luckily griffin showed up and stuff happened when he let me go he pushed me down I hit my head on the corner of the picnic table that's all I remember but I got stitches there so I'm going to be out of school for.... josh how long am I going to be out of school
I yelled The last part
Jh: till next week
He yelled back
Till next week
Dang I'm sorry
Your good you did nothing
I still can't get over the fact you griffins daughter
Ok well I gotta go talk to you later bye

I said before hanging up the phone
K: was that a boy
I look up and Kio was at the door
S: he's my friend chill
A: didn't sound like a friend
S: can you both get out my room
Kio&anthony: fine
They left the room and I was sitting on my bed watching tv when josh came in
Jh: here's you food
S: I'm not hungry
Jh: are you going to make me feed it to you
S: I'm not going to make you your going to make yourself
G: just eat the food
I looked at my doorway and griffin was there
S: I'm not hungry
G: the last thing you ate was Taco Bell and I'm sure you did eat much there
S: bu-
Before I could finish josh shoved some pancakes in my mouth and I tasted syrup
Jh: ah ha
I spit them out on the floor
Jh: why the fuck would you do that
S: why the fuck would YOU do that
Jh: because you need to eat now why did you spit them out
S: cuz I don't like syrup
Jh: something is wrong with you
S: I know
He cut a piece and didn't dip it in syrup and put it in front of my mouth I shook my head 'no'
Jh: please
I shook my head again griffin came over and squeezed my cheeks

(Woah there buddy)

So my mouth would open josh put the pancake in my mouth and griffin let go of my cheeks
G: now chew and swallow
I chewed it and swallowed it
Jh: now that you know how to eat here
He gave me the plate I grabbed it and put it on the night stand he picked it back up
Jh: were going to be here for a while aren't we
S: your choosing it
They did the same proses about 3 more times
S: ok I'm full
G: you ate 4 bits how
Jh: you still have a little more then half the pancake
S: then you ate it
Jh: I hate you
S: you love me
He done a little smirk then left
G: why don't you eat that much
He said as he laid down
S: I just get full
G: I know that's a lie
I just stayed silent and unpaused the tv and continued watching it he grabbed the remote and paused it
G: what's going on
I looked at him and my eyes started to water he noticed and grabbed me and laid me in his chest I started to cry into his shirt as he rubbed my back
G: shhhh it ok I'm here 
I was crying and crying into his shift and I soon fell asleep

Just wait for the next chapter ❤️

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