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^who remembers when Jaden wear a skirt. He was cute lol

Griffins POV

It's been awhile since skye left. I heard a knock on the door. I got up and answered it.
Officer: are you Griffin Johnson
G: yeah
Officer: your daughter has been kidnapped.
G: w-what how
Officer: is this her phone
She handed me a phone in a bag and it was. I nodded
Officer: she called saying she was at a friends house and someone inside the house and had a gun up to there heads then something happened we don't know.
G: do you know were she is
Officer: no we have people looking right now and searching the house
Then she left. I shut the door.

Skye's POV

I woke up and looked at my surroundings and I was in a van with Payton faith and Payton's mom. Payton was beside me. The current event came to my head. I nudged his shoulder because my hands were tied behind my back. He slowly woke up and looked at me then the surrounding. I started to move my wrist around trying to get loos and so did he. I got my hands free and untied Payton's. He gave me a hug
P: omg skye that wasn't me texting it was Tayler he sent in the pictures
He whispered to me
S: I kinda figured after I seen him in your house with a gun.
I whispered back
He chuckled slightly and gave me a kiss witch a returned.
P: I know you, you would never cheat
He said pulling away
S: let's wake them up
I said as I walked over to them
S: put your hand over their mouth so they don't make any noise
He nodded. I untied faiths hands. I put my hand over her mouth and shook her slightly. She woke up and her eyes widen. I put my finger over my mouth telling her to be quiet. She nodded and I removed my hand. I looked over and Payton has woken up his mom.
S: do y'all have a phone or something.
Payton's mom: yeah
She reached into her back pocket
?: looking for this
I looked behind me and there was a guy that I am guessing knocked me out. He was holding up the phone
?: yeah your not getting away that easy
S: I have a idea what if you give us the phone an-
T: you never stop joking do you
S: no not really but why did you even take us.
T: well I wasn't going to take anyone but skye you just had to be there
S: why are you doing this
T: it's not fair that Payton gets you and I don't
S: kinda is he's nice to me respects me actually cares about me. But you, you ju-
T: yeah I get it just shut up
S: I was just telling you wh-
T: I said shut up
He yelled
S: well damn
T: how did you even know I was in there.
I stayed quiet
T: hello I'm asking you a question
S: oh you just told me to shut up so I thought you didn't want me to talk
T: god damnit.
He stopped the van and got out. He opened the back of the van and grabbed me and got face to face with me.
T: stop with your smart ass mouth and answered my question.
I looked him in the eyes
S: Payton grab the gun
I said fast and kicked Tayler in the balls. He fell to the ground. I rolled him over and sat on his back and pulled his arm back
T: ow your going to drake my arm
S: that's kinda the point faith give me the rope
She gave me the rope and I tied his hands up. I told his mom so keep him in that position. She did and I took the gun out of his pocket I looked back and the guy had a gun to Payton's head. I climbed back into the van
S: just drop the gun you know your gonna lose.
I said pointing the gun at him.
T: Quinton don't do anything
S: Quinton what a cute name.
I kicked my foot up hitting the gun making him drop it. I kicked it to the side faith was
S: you could just go ahead and go to the ground or get shot at and go to the ground.
He let go of Payton and went to the ground I got the ropes and tied him up and took him out of the van into the ground. Payton pulled me into a hug
P: thank you so much you saved my life
S: it's nothing I got you into this.
We took a seat on Quinton. He groaned.
Payton's mom: no skye seriously you saved us how could I repay you.
S: it's fine don't worry about it
P: were you really going to shoot him.
T: no she doesn't know how to work it.
S: want to bet right there read bag
I pointed the gun at it and i hit it straight in the middle.
S: now
T: whatever
S: but no I could never shoot someone
Faith: what do I do with this
S: here
She gave it to me the gun and I put them both on safety and sat them down
Payton: how did you even learn that
S: after being in a orphanage for so long you have a lot of time to watch Syfy.
Payton's mom got on the phone with cops.

The cops pulled up. Griffins car pulled up behind it. He got out and ran up to us I got up and he picked me up and gave me a big hug.
G: omg I missed you
S: I missed you too
G: are you ok did they hurt you
S: no I'm fine
.he put me down. And looked at Tayler
G: Tayler.
T: hey
He rolled his eyes. And looked at Payton
I tapped his shoulder and he bent down
S: Taylers the one who sent the photo and was texting me
G: oh
Other cops came and done whatever and took Quinton and Tayler to jail.
Griffin drove Payton and his family to there house.
I got out to let them out Payton got out on my side and faith go out on the other side and his mom was in the passenger. Payton hugged me
P: thank you again
S: it's nothing and also are we still dating
He pulled his head back and gave me a kiss
P: we never broke up.
I smiled and hugged him again
P: wait I need to give you something.
He ran inside and came out after a minute or two. He gave me a different hoodie.
P: they other one needs to be washed
S: well thank you.
I gave him another hug and got into a car. I waved as we drove off.
G: so y'all are together
S: we never broke up.
G: I'm just glad your safe.

Ok well bye I'm laughing so hard I already have the next chapter planed

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